max pullup attempt=34
7 pistols
rest 3 mins then:
7 air squats
7 dying cockroaches
total=18rounds 3 reps
Monday, 30 May 2011
Games Bound
Congratulations to SOUTHERN CROSSFIT for taking 3rd place in the teams AUS regionals this weekend..
Way to represent Western Australia!
Saturday, 28 May 2011
Friday, 27 May 2011
The Friday Chipper
The Friday Chipper -
250m row
10 squat cleans (40kg)
20 pull-ups
30 burpee bar hops
40 hanging cleans (40kg)
500 single-unders
The Friday Chipper -
250m row
10 squat cleans (40kg)
20 pull-ups
30 burpee bar hops
40 hanging cleans (40kg)
500 single-unders
Thursday, 26 May 2011
thurs 26/5/11
morning wod..
Split Jerk – 2 x 5; 2 x 3; 2 x 1
5 rounds for time -
20 KB circles
30 KB Russian swings
20 stick jumps
Arvo wod..
3 rounds of
25 incline pushups
25 incline situps
10 weighted pullups 10kg
Im thinking i didnt recover since doing those deads on tuesday, as soon as i started the morning wod my back blew out, started at 32kg for the swings and worked my way down to 16kg but even then had to stop with 10kb swings left.. Felt totally lethargic for the arvo wod aswell, although i cant pass up a wod with a mate.
Split Jerk – 2 x 5; 2 x 3; 2 x 1
5 rounds for time -
20 KB circles
30 KB Russian swings
20 stick jumps
Arvo wod..
3 rounds of
25 incline pushups
25 incline situps
10 weighted pullups 10kg
Im thinking i didnt recover since doing those deads on tuesday, as soon as i started the morning wod my back blew out, started at 32kg for the swings and worked my way down to 16kg but even then had to stop with 10kb swings left.. Felt totally lethargic for the arvo wod aswell, although i cant pass up a wod with a mate.
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
Jacobs Ladder
Morning wod..
Jacobs Ladder:
3 rounds of
1 ascent
3 handstand pushups
25 double unders
Arvo wod..
6x5 deadlifts
3 rounds of
400m run
50 air squats
Jacobs Ladder:
3 rounds of
1 ascent
3 handstand pushups
25 double unders
Arvo wod..
6x5 deadlifts
3 rounds of
400m run
50 air squats
Monday, 23 May 2011
4000kg ground to overhead
Morning wod..
4000kg ground to overhead anyway.
i chose to do 35kg power snatch x 115reps
arvo wod..
handstand pushup practice (so damn hard)
A great workout today, The wod could be done either power snatch or clean and jerk with whatever weight you wanted (eg, 100 reps of 40kg or maybe 200 reps of 20kg ect..) i chose to do 35kg for 115 reps since the games wod 1 was 35kg power snatch's and i struggled with that so i wanted to see if i have improved my strength in that regards.. i have, i did all 115 reps with snatches. Still have to build some mental toughness in picking up that bar even when i really dont want to.
Ive decided to work at handstand pushups and will incorporate them into my training sessions from now on, I find this move extremely challenging but will be great if i can get good at them!
4000kg ground to overhead anyway.
i chose to do 35kg power snatch x 115reps
arvo wod..
handstand pushup practice (so damn hard)
A great workout today, The wod could be done either power snatch or clean and jerk with whatever weight you wanted (eg, 100 reps of 40kg or maybe 200 reps of 20kg ect..) i chose to do 35kg for 115 reps since the games wod 1 was 35kg power snatch's and i struggled with that so i wanted to see if i have improved my strength in that regards.. i have, i did all 115 reps with snatches. Still have to build some mental toughness in picking up that bar even when i really dont want to.
Ive decided to work at handstand pushups and will incorporate them into my training sessions from now on, I find this move extremely challenging but will be great if i can get good at them!
Sunday, 22 May 2011
morning wod..
run 4.5 km
arvo wod..
2-2-2-2-2-2 of thruster
3x5 weighted pullups (12kg)
3x5 DB push press (20kg each db)
5x 60kg
5x 80kg
5x 100kg
3x 120kg
1x 130kg
1x 140kg
run 4.5 km
arvo wod..
2-2-2-2-2-2 of thruster
3x5 weighted pullups (12kg)
3x5 DB push press (20kg each db)
5x 60kg
5x 80kg
5x 100kg
3x 120kg
1x 130kg
1x 140kg
Saturday, 21 May 2011
friday 20/5/11
3 sets of max weighted dips 20kg
work up to max bench
3 rounds of
10 1arm db snatch 20kg (5 each arm)
20 ghd situps
30 wallballs 7kg
First time using ghd in a workout. Felt horrible and took me ages to get through, was destroying my lower back so im not sure if its a technique thing or its just my body not used to the exercise.
I worked out with my mate matt who's trying to get ripped before his trip to bali in july, and his reaction to the workout gave me a positive insight to how effective this training has been on my conditioning. Whilst he was in complete agony, this was a pretty damn easy workout in comparison to a few lately.. Poor Matt, Perhaps should have eased him into it! I havnt done much DB work before and felt it was really good with the snatch's, gonna incorporate them into training alot more.
3 sets of max weighted dips 20kg
work up to max bench
3 rounds of
10 1arm db snatch 20kg (5 each arm)
20 ghd situps
30 wallballs 7kg
First time using ghd in a workout. Felt horrible and took me ages to get through, was destroying my lower back so im not sure if its a technique thing or its just my body not used to the exercise.
I worked out with my mate matt who's trying to get ripped before his trip to bali in july, and his reaction to the workout gave me a positive insight to how effective this training has been on my conditioning. Whilst he was in complete agony, this was a pretty damn easy workout in comparison to a few lately.. Poor Matt, Perhaps should have eased him into it! I havnt done much DB work before and felt it was really good with the snatch's, gonna incorporate them into training alot more.
Thursday 19/5/11
morning wod..
pre wod: strength.
7x1 front squat
40/60/70/80/90/100'fail'/95kg pr
3 rounds of
9 clean and press 60kg
15 pullups
pre wod: strength.
7x1 front squat
40/60/70/80/90/100'fail'/95kg pr
3 rounds of
9 clean and press 60kg
15 pullups
21 box jumps 24"
Arvo wod..
Amrap 15 of
5 muscle ups
5 oh squat 50kg
300m row
total = 3 rounds (9points)
evening wod..
Today was full on. But i enjoyed it all and will have more days like this in the future. For the pre wod in the morning we used 10kg kb's on either end of the barbell for the first 5 sets, then replaced them with bumpers for the last 2. This use of kb's suspended on bands made the front squat much more challenging and fun. Even the slightest movement would send the barbell shifting violently from side to side. Great to mix up a pretty standard exercise like that. I set a new pr on the front squat '95kg' after missing 100 (too keen!).
The Morning wod was very good aswell, a mixture of strength, gymnastics and monostructural, the cornerstones of crossfit.
The afternoon workout consisted of 3 exercises that i have not had much exposure to in a wod before..saying that, i really liked this workout and gave me more confidence in my muscle up ability. I set a pr of 5 consecutive m-ups in the first set. the oh squats felt good and i took the rowing a little easy.
Challenge Stadium holds a gymnastics class every Tuesday and Thursday night, which unfortunately sells out rather quick! The class was heaps of fun and dabbled in various skills including the beam (sucked so bad at balancing on these!) some handstand and mat gymnastics like capoeira and even got to pull off some backflips into the foam pit! Going to keep doing these classes and im confident that it will greatly improve skills in the various attributes of fitness: strength, balance, coordination, muscular endurance. With a bit of practice maybe even be able to pull off some of these bar skillz!
Thursday, 19 May 2011
wod 18/5/11
400m overhead carry with keg (roughly 30kg)
200m med ball carry run 9kg
10 pull-ups
5 med ball squat cleans 9kg
total = 7/4
Tabata med ball crossovers 9kg =147
400m overhead carry with keg (roughly 30kg)
200m med ball carry run 9kg
10 pull-ups
5 med ball squat cleans 9kg
total = 7/4
Tabata med ball crossovers 9kg =147
tuesday 17/5/11
Morning wod:
5 sets of 100m sprints
90 sec rest inbetween
(was going for 10 sets but jack suffered a 2nd degree strain in his hamstring 'ouch' during the fifth set.)
Netball semifinals!
5 sets of 100m sprints
90 sec rest inbetween
(was going for 10 sets but jack suffered a 2nd degree strain in his hamstring 'ouch' during the fifth set.)
Netball semifinals!
Monday, 16 May 2011
wod 16/5/11
1 effort max pull-ups
'28' (cant quite link butterfly yet)
9 rounds for time of:
5 thrusters 45kg
10 ring push-ups
15 double-unders
Tabata side plank
1 effort max pull-ups
'28' (cant quite link butterfly yet)
9 rounds for time of:
5 thrusters 45kg
10 ring push-ups
15 double-unders
Tabata side plank
Sunday, 15 May 2011
Outdoor Training Facility
6 x six minute AMRAPs. 12 minutes rest after each. Every exercise of the couplet you complete will give you one point (eg: 3 tyre flips = 1 point). Your score for the complete WOD is your total points after all six minute AMRAPS.
total points=24
3 x tyre flips
50m sandbag carry
10m lateral wall traverse
6 x atlas stone shoulder
6 x keg ground to overhead
50m hill wheelbarrow push
4 x keg load
50m yoke walk
4 x burpee vault sandbag load
5m sledge hammer strike for distance
2 x tree branch climb overs
8 x rock deadlift
![]() |
I was given the great honour of being awarded the 'Awesomness Trophy' for being totally awesome! and possibly for sucking so bad at the sandbag to shoulder.. |
Probably My favorite wod,
ive been wanting to do Isabel for a while now (that sounds naughty).
had to scale it to 50kg instead of the rx 60kg. considering my pr is 60kg for a snatch im pretty happy with my time, will be repeating this workout in the near future with heavier weight and hopefully will be able to see a marked improvement.
30 reps for time of:
Snatch 50kg (rx 60kg)
ive been wanting to do Isabel for a while now (that sounds naughty).
had to scale it to 50kg instead of the rx 60kg. considering my pr is 60kg for a snatch im pretty happy with my time, will be repeating this workout in the near future with heavier weight and hopefully will be able to see a marked improvement.
30 reps for time of:
Snatch 50kg (rx 60kg)
Saturday, 14 May 2011
Thursday 12/5/11
6 x 3 squat cleans
8 rounds for time -
4 squat cleans
6 pull-ups
8 pistols
500m row for time=1:40.6
6 x 3 squat cleans
8 rounds for time -
4 squat cleans
6 pull-ups
8 pistols
500m row for time=1:40.6
wednesday 11/5/11
1 attempt max pull-ups= 31reps PR
5 x 5 OHS (adding weight)
30/40/50/55/60kg x4 just missed the last rep!
1 -> 10 OHS 40kg
10 -> 1 barbell rollouts
Tabata bottom-to-bottom squats
1 attempt max pull-ups= 31reps PR
5 x 5 OHS (adding weight)
30/40/50/55/60kg x4 just missed the last rep!
1 -> 10 OHS 40kg
10 -> 1 barbell rollouts
Tabata bottom-to-bottom squats
tuesday 10/5/11
As many American KB swings as you can in 2 minutes. your score = weight x reps
28kg x 50reps=1400 (40 reps in first set!)
Up and back ladder -
10 competition push-ups
20 double-unders / 60 single-unders
30 sit-ups
40 squats
50 cockroaches
600m run
repeat pre-wod with same weight = only managed 30 reps so buggered!
then netball game
As many American KB swings as you can in 2 minutes. your score = weight x reps
28kg x 50reps=1400 (40 reps in first set!)
Up and back ladder -
10 competition push-ups
20 double-unders / 60 single-unders
30 sit-ups
40 squats
50 cockroaches
600m run
repeat pre-wod with same weight = only managed 30 reps so buggered!
then netball game
monday 9/5/11
Pre-WOD:5 x 8 hanging cleans (increasing weight)
5 rounds for time -
10 high stick jumps
20 American KB swings 24kg
400m run
My runs are killing me! looking forward to the 14km 'HBF run for a reason' on the 22nd of May and seeing what time i notch.
I cant remember ever running that far.. will surely be a fun event.
5 rounds for time -
10 high stick jumps
20 American KB swings 24kg
400m run
My runs are killing me! looking forward to the 14km 'HBF run for a reason' on the 22nd of May and seeing what time i notch.
I cant remember ever running that far.. will surely be a fun event.
Saturday, 7 May 2011
friday 6/5/11
felt so hungover this morning. kicked my ass
Pre wod:
200m lunge (FEEL THE BURNNN)
morning wod..
for time:
25kb russian swings 32kg
50 pullups
75 burpee bar-touch
arvo wod..
flight simulator
5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-45-40ect of:
double unders UNBROKEN
this was tough! on two seperate occassions during a rounds of 40 and 45 i screwed up the last one. Gotta say it was devastating for your motivation.
Calves were sore for about 5 days after this wod.
Pre wod:
200m lunge (FEEL THE BURNNN)
morning wod..
for time:
25kb russian swings 32kg
50 pullups
75 burpee bar-touch
arvo wod..
flight simulator
5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-45-40ect of:
double unders UNBROKEN
this was tough! on two seperate occassions during a rounds of 40 and 45 i screwed up the last one. Gotta say it was devastating for your motivation.
Calves were sore for about 5 days after this wod.
tues 3/5/11
pre wod: max pullups =30
morning wod..
7 rounds of:
10 'V' ups
200m run
5 burpee C+P 40kg (cant let go of bar between reps)
morning wod..
7 rounds of:
10 'V' ups
200m run
5 burpee C+P 40kg (cant let go of bar between reps)
Monday, 2 May 2011
monday 2/5/11
morning wod..
warmup: 500 single unders for time = 3:12sec
warmup: 500 single unders for time = 3:12sec
12 clean and press 40kg
12 burpee bar jumps
12 air squats
butterfly pullup practice
1st min- 1pullup
2nd min- 2 pullups
3rd min- 3 pullups..ectgo for as long as you can finish the set in a row, no dividing sets. butterfly only.
finished with 12 pullups.
amrap 5
10 push press 40kg
10 pullups
10 wallballs 7kg
Sunday, 1 May 2011
rest day
So the 2011 crossfit games open has ended! a great experience, and my first taste of the competitive atmosphere that the crossfit community prides themselves on. A mixture of challenging/fun workouts which will definitely be repeated in my future training, will be very cool to see how far Ive progressed since first attempting the wods.
Not only was it my first games experience, but also Cooee Crossfit's first since opening their doors in January. We had 8 athletes take part in the online competition and all other Cooee athletes battled scaled versions of the wods in the box. Each athlete had varying results. however, all took away with them a new found sense of self-achievement and confidence that I'm sure has a lit a competitive fire in theirs bellies.. i know i have!
One athlete from Cooee, Liam '6-pack' pack, Studying a major in HR and minor in PR at the university of Notre Dame. Wrote an article which sums up the vibe at Cooee in relation to the games.
The Cooee CrossFit Box (gym) in Shenton Park is currently competing in its first Reebok CrossFit Games Open.
The Box has only been operating since January 26, 2011, which has contributed to a massive disadvantage to Cooee athletes who have only had 6 weeks preparation for the games.
CrossFit is a high intensity sport that physically pushes the human body to exhaustion involving weights, cardio and gymnastic exercises.
Cooee CrossFit has encouraged all of their athletes to participate in the games workouts, however, only 7 officially registered.
Owner of Cooee CrossFit, Match Murphy, believes his athletes will have a disadvantage against other Boxes because his athletes cannot prepare adequately.
“Exercises which are going to come up are more complex and we haven’t had the time to develop the strength and coordination to do a few let alone multiples,” he said.
Mr Murphy hoped he could prepare his athletes both physically and mentally for the games but he does not expect immediate results.
“Winning the games for a Cooee CrossFit athlete is an unrealistic goal and if they push too hard in an attempt to win the games there could risk injury or low morale.”
Mr. Murphy endeavors to communicate with his athletes to help them understand that they should want participation not results.
An athlete at Cooee CrossFit, Tim Marshall, shares Mr. Murphy’s views “I just want to learn and do my best,” he said.
Mr. Marshall has been a Cooee athlete since their establishment and hopes that his first games will provide him with new levels of physical ability and intensity.
Mr. Marshall also acknowledged the lack of preparation time for the games “ I struggle with the strength aspect of CrossFit, I need better conditioning.
“It helps when Match and I get to chat and he reminds me it is all fun and not to get attached to my place,” he said.
This however, is not Mr Murphy or Mr Marshall’s views about the games next year, both have higher expectations collectively and individually.
“Our team will be a lot more competitive next year and can be more highly placed in Western Australia,” said Mr Murphy.
“I’m hoping to be on top of the pack, right now I am not even half way which is disappointing, but it is the start of something greater,” said Mr Marshall.
The disadvantage that Cooee and its athletes have for the 2011 Reebok CrossFit Games Open is obviously huge, however their fighting spirit is not.
Not only was it my first games experience, but also Cooee Crossfit's first since opening their doors in January. We had 8 athletes take part in the online competition and all other Cooee athletes battled scaled versions of the wods in the box. Each athlete had varying results. however, all took away with them a new found sense of self-achievement and confidence that I'm sure has a lit a competitive fire in theirs bellies.. i know i have!
One athlete from Cooee, Liam '6-pack' pack, Studying a major in HR and minor in PR at the university of Notre Dame. Wrote an article which sums up the vibe at Cooee in relation to the games.
Cooee CrossFit Bracing for Challenge
01/04/2011The Cooee CrossFit Box (gym) in Shenton Park is currently competing in its first Reebok CrossFit Games Open.
The Box has only been operating since January 26, 2011, which has contributed to a massive disadvantage to Cooee athletes who have only had 6 weeks preparation for the games.
CrossFit is a high intensity sport that physically pushes the human body to exhaustion involving weights, cardio and gymnastic exercises.
Cooee CrossFit has encouraged all of their athletes to participate in the games workouts, however, only 7 officially registered.
Owner of Cooee CrossFit, Match Murphy, believes his athletes will have a disadvantage against other Boxes because his athletes cannot prepare adequately.
“Exercises which are going to come up are more complex and we haven’t had the time to develop the strength and coordination to do a few let alone multiples,” he said.
Mr Murphy hoped he could prepare his athletes both physically and mentally for the games but he does not expect immediate results.
“Winning the games for a Cooee CrossFit athlete is an unrealistic goal and if they push too hard in an attempt to win the games there could risk injury or low morale.”
Mr. Murphy endeavors to communicate with his athletes to help them understand that they should want participation not results.
An athlete at Cooee CrossFit, Tim Marshall, shares Mr. Murphy’s views “I just want to learn and do my best,” he said.
Mr. Marshall has been a Cooee athlete since their establishment and hopes that his first games will provide him with new levels of physical ability and intensity.
Mr. Marshall also acknowledged the lack of preparation time for the games “ I struggle with the strength aspect of CrossFit, I need better conditioning.
“It helps when Match and I get to chat and he reminds me it is all fun and not to get attached to my place,” he said.
This however, is not Mr Murphy or Mr Marshall’s views about the games next year, both have higher expectations collectively and individually.
“Our team will be a lot more competitive next year and can be more highly placed in Western Australia,” said Mr Murphy.
“I’m hoping to be on top of the pack, right now I am not even half way which is disappointing, but it is the start of something greater,” said Mr Marshall.
The disadvantage that Cooee and its athletes have for the 2011 Reebok CrossFit Games Open is obviously huge, however their fighting spirit is not.
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