Monday, 31 October 2011

Birthday wod

wod: amrap20 of
10 power snatch 50kg
10 pistols
100m KB farmers carry 32kg
total = 4rds
having fun in the middle of our birthday wod

Saturday, 29 October 2011

garage gym fun

wod: 6 rounds of
5 hspu (with abmat)
10 wallballs 9kg
15 hang cleans 40kg
20 du

Friday, 28 October 2011


WOD:  Hero Benchmark “Murph”Run 1 mile (1.6km)
100 pull-ups
200 push-ups
300 squats
Run 1 mile
with a 9kg weight vest

the murph crew!

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

26th october

morning wod:
5 muscleups, 5 c+j 40kg
4 muscleups, 4 c+j 50kg
3 muscleups, 3 c+j 60kg
2 muscleups, 2 c+j 70kg
1 muscleup, 1 c+j 80kg

arvo wod:
squat cleans 40kg sandbag
box jumps 24"

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Monday 24th Oct

morning wod:
tabata hollow body
5 rounds of
10 parallete pushups
10 sec support hold on rings
200m run

arvo wod:
3x5 bench press=75kg
3x5 back squat=102.5kg
3x5 pullup= (8 blocks) 10kg
3x5 deadlifts=105kg

The morning wod was all about form, each pushups and hold was done with good form reinforcing the good hollow body position i learned at the gymnastics cert, strength program is going well keep getting pr's in the bench and squat, and becoming more confident on my deadlift technique as the weeks roll on

Gymnastics cert

a big thanks to jamie and Sean for coaching us through this weekends gymnastics cert. Was an awesome weekend which both improved me as an athlete and a coach. I have such respect for gymnasts, their dedication, strength, flexibility and power are incredible and greatly inspire me to work harder in these areas..

cooee crew at gymnastics cert with Sean and Jamie

Thursday, 20 October 2011


WOD:4 minutes pull-ups=77
1 minute rest
4 minutes push-ups=70
1 minute rest
4 minutes sit-ups=100
1 minute rest
4 minutes DU's=179
1 minute rest
4 minutes bear crawl=8
1 minute rest
4 minutes burpees=50

great gymnastics wod so much fun. dissapointed in the double unders felt so much harder than i thought they would after pushups, rested on the bearcrawls so i could hit the burpees hard, not sure if thats smart or stupid.. either way i was on the ground by the end.


3x5 back squats

3x5 CTB pullups
6blocks in weight vest (approx 8kg)

3x5 deadlifts

Weightlifting shoes feel so good to squat and deadlift in!

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

mainsite front squat

front squat: 1-10-1-20-1-30 reps


did a mainsite wod from back in july, have been struggling with getting up from heavy squat cleans and would love to be able to hit heavier clean and jerk so being the limiting factor i thought some front squatting work would be the best bet. I can tell you that the lighter, longer sets were sooo much harder than the heavy singles... 20 and 30 reps were something i haven't touched before for front squats and keeping the elbows high nearing the end of the set seemed ridiculously hard.
Stoked with the wod though, hit a new 1rm pr of 100kg, and got all the sets without fail.


its been ages since posting any workouts.. doesnt mean i havnt been training, quite the opposite in fact. So much training havnt had time or energy to post!
some milestones ive hit in the past few weeks include:
pr front squat=100kg
pr snatch=70kg
pr clean and jerk=90kg
100 burpees for time=7:21
64kg atlas stone shoulder
fight gone bad=311
pr bench press=90kg

Just recieved my new weightlifting shoes today! gonna start doing heaps more lifting and strength training! some goals to hit before christmas include: 80kg snatch, 100kg clean and jerk

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Kelly starrett's "Hamstrung"

If you haven't heard of Kelly Starrett and the vast knowledge about human function and mobility, get on it.
his mobility wod can be found here-
He has most likely covered a topic of interest for you on his blog and is a great source of knowledge as most people have issues with mobility/pain or need some form of improvement with their flexibility.
Whilst searching through some articles i came across kelly Starrett's "Hamstrung" article which i quickly delved into. If you have been following my blog it would be apparent i have been through alot of pelvic and lower lumbar pain and discomfort, severely limiting my range of motion and my ability to train. As i read through this piece of well written information it suddenly become clear to me what was causing my lower lumbar pain.. tight hamstrings!.
At last i had found out what the cause was and as soon as i could began to stretch my hamstrings, I have been pain free since! To find the cause to my problem is a huge relief after much frustration. I'll post the article below not because you will have the same problem as myself, but because the way Kelly explains how mobility and stretching impact the rest of your body and the huge importance of maintaining mobility throughout life. please have a read and investigate how much mobility/stretching you currently prioritise in your own training. Trust me, It's worth it.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

mainsite 4/10

wod #1
100 walking lunges, every minute 10 air squats

wod #2
Muscle snatch 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Power snatch 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Snatch 5-5-5-5-5 reps


wod #3
gymnastics practice:
legless rope climbs, front flips

Super enjoyed this wod, was going to do a different workout consisting of muscle ups, clean and jerks but saw the mainsite and figured it has been a while since any snatch work. My lower back was giving me some grief during the sets so im sure loads of room for improvement, that being said i sure gave my all during the sets and the odd set that i lost focus i paid the price for. no room for distraction here, all focus on everylift was key.

Monday, 3 October 2011

monday 3/10

wod 1:
600m row
10 hspu
2 front squats 60kg
8 hspu
4 fs
6 hspu
6 fs
4 hspu
8 fs
2 hspu
10 fs
600m row

Holy shit this was a hard/gnarly/brutal/good wod.

more training baby!


WOD # 1:
10 min AMRAP -
50 double-unders
15 pull-ups
10 power snatches 45kg
WOD # 2:
8 min AMRAP -
200m row
8 pistols
10 1arm KB thrusters 20kg

5x5 front squats
60/65/70/75/80kg (85kgx3)
