WOD # 1: Sprint for time -
200m forward
100m backward
100m forward
100m backward
300m forward
WOD # 2: Benchmark “Annie”
WOD # 3:
back squat 10-5-3-3-2-2-1-1
WOD # 4: Girl "Diane"
100kg deadlift
handstand pushups
WOD 1 and 2 were both fun, annie is a good short wod but i couldnt manage to beat my pr of 5:50.. the sprints were much harder than i anticipated! after the backwards running my hamstrings were on fire and it was difficult to keep the pace up.
Pretty dissapointed about my back squats this morning since i made a huge pr of 130kg fairly comfortably a few days ago and today 115kg was really hard. The only thing i can think of that may have made a difference was, i did heavy deads just before my squats last time? trying to look into muscle length-tension relationship or something along those lines, otherwise maybe it ws the difference in high and low bar position..
First time doing Diane and i am a fan. A great mix of strength and midline stability which i found very difficult on the hspu's.. i had to kip all of them and hoping that next time i will be strong enough to do them strict, alot of work to go though.
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Monday, 28 November 2011
overhead squatting
skill-work up to max snatch=67.5kg
for time:
600m run
21 squat cleans 45kg
21 pullups
400m run
15 squat cleans
15 pullups
200m run
9 squat cleans
9 pullups
weighted pistols, work up to max (on both legs)=20kg
overhead squats:
45kg-75-47.5-80-50-85kg pr
30 double unders
20 air squats
10 burpees onto plate
total=8rds 51reps
then max pullups in 1min
total=36 consecutive
skill-work up to max snatch=67.5kg
for time:
600m run
21 squat cleans 45kg
21 pullups
400m run
15 squat cleans
15 pullups
200m run
9 squat cleans
9 pullups
weighted pistols, work up to max (on both legs)=20kg
overhead squats:
45kg-75-47.5-80-50-85kg pr
30 double unders
20 air squats
10 burpees onto plate
total=8rds 51reps
then max pullups in 1min
total=36 consecutive
Saturday, 26 November 2011
heavy squatting
5x1 jerk to eccentric lower press 70kg
2-2-2-2-2-2 at 130kg
rest 60 sec between sets
work up to max back squat
1x130kg (pr!)
samshed the squats this morning! a new 1rm pr by 10kg.. also new 3rm pr at 115kg. feeling strong!
i treid using eccentric lowering today to see if it helps with my strict press, ive been struggling for a while to increase my press but having come across some articles on eccentric (the controlled lowering of weight) i feel it might help. Used 40% of my 1rm press, jerked it overhead then as slowly as possible, lowered it down to the rack.
5x1 jerk to eccentric lower press 70kg
2-2-2-2-2-2 at 130kg
rest 60 sec between sets
work up to max back squat
1x130kg (pr!)
samshed the squats this morning! a new 1rm pr by 10kg.. also new 3rm pr at 115kg. feeling strong!
i treid using eccentric lowering today to see if it helps with my strict press, ive been struggling for a while to increase my press but having come across some articles on eccentric (the controlled lowering of weight) i feel it might help. Used 40% of my 1rm press, jerked it overhead then as slowly as possible, lowered it down to the rack.
Thursday, 24 November 2011
explosive pushups
monkey climb on pullup bar for max reps=18
highest explosive pushup onto bumber plates
arms and legs explosive pushup onto bumber plates
rings and core work
10 mins to Find your max TGU on each side=24kg
15 min AMRAP -
8 push presses 50kg
8 burpee bar hops
8 barbell roll-outs
total= 6 rounds
monkey climb on pullup bar for max reps=18
highest explosive pushup onto bumber plates
arms and legs explosive pushup onto bumber plates
rings and core work
10 mins to Find your max TGU on each side=24kg
15 min AMRAP -
8 push presses 50kg
8 burpee bar hops
8 barbell roll-outs
total= 6 rounds
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
WOD- "Marshall"3 Rounds for time:
-1000m row
-10 Handstand pushups
-20 wallballs (9kg @ 10')
me= 24:14
jack= 28:48
WOD- "Grace"
30 clean and jerks 60kg
wod #3
WOD- Max Clean & Jerk7-5-3-1-1
Deadlift = 130kg
Clean/squat clean = pr 90kg power clean
Split jerk = 85kg
1-1-1-1-1 Clean & jerk = (tied pr) 90kg
Epic day of training. Ive finished uni so more days of multiple wod's and huge fitness gains are the plan for my summer holidays.
Wod #1 was a concoction of movements that jack and I deemed would kill us if were chosen out of a hopper. this triplet of mine and jack's three biggest weakness's was the result. we've since named this wod "marshall" and deemed it the worst wod, ever. Apart from the pure 'agony' during it, in hindsight it isnt really that bad and we both plan on repeating this wod as a benchmark, reoccuring throughout our training regularly. "The biggest gains in fitness will be seen through attacking our weakness's".
Knocked 2:20 off my "Grace" time. gotta be stoked with that.
WOD- "Marshall"3 Rounds for time:
-1000m row
-10 Handstand pushups
-20 wallballs (9kg @ 10')
me= 24:14
jack= 28:48
WOD- "Grace"
30 clean and jerks 60kg
wod #3
WOD- Max Clean & Jerk7-5-3-1-1
Deadlift = 130kg
Clean/squat clean = pr 90kg power clean
Split jerk = 85kg
1-1-1-1-1 Clean & jerk = (tied pr) 90kg
Epic day of training. Ive finished uni so more days of multiple wod's and huge fitness gains are the plan for my summer holidays.
Wod #1 was a concoction of movements that jack and I deemed would kill us if were chosen out of a hopper. this triplet of mine and jack's three biggest weakness's was the result. we've since named this wod "marshall" and deemed it the worst wod, ever. Apart from the pure 'agony' during it, in hindsight it isnt really that bad and we both plan on repeating this wod as a benchmark, reoccuring throughout our training regularly. "The biggest gains in fitness will be seen through attacking our weakness's".
Knocked 2:20 off my "Grace" time. gotta be stoked with that.
Monday, 21 November 2011
morning WOD: “Helen”
3 rounds of
400m run
21 KB swings 28kg
12 pull-ups
afternoon wod STRENGTH AND POWER:
5x5 box squats = 40kg/60/80/100/110x2
split jerk 1-1-1-1-1 = 60kg/70/80/90(f)/90(f)
max 30kg bench press in 1min =50reps
the rx helen is a 24kg kb, however everytime ive done helen ive used the 28kg because thats usually the only kb left, so ive adopted the heavier version as my benchmark. nothing wrong with going a lil heavier..
last time i got over 11mins, so ive knocked off a few minutes which im stoked about. Its funny coz it doesnt really feel like your going quicker during the wod, it still feels just as terrible, just doing the work faster. getting fitter.
3 rounds of
400m run
21 KB swings 28kg
12 pull-ups
afternoon wod STRENGTH AND POWER:
5x5 box squats = 40kg/60/80/100/110x2
split jerk 1-1-1-1-1 = 60kg/70/80/90(f)/90(f)
max 30kg bench press in 1min =50reps
the rx helen is a 24kg kb, however everytime ive done helen ive used the 28kg because thats usually the only kb left, so ive adopted the heavier version as my benchmark. nothing wrong with going a lil heavier..
last time i got over 11mins, so ive knocked off a few minutes which im stoked about. Its funny coz it doesnt really feel like your going quicker during the wod, it still feels just as terrible, just doing the work faster. getting fitter.
Sunday, 20 November 2011
Saturday, 19 November 2011
saturday strength/skill
work up to max turkish get-up = 32kg (both arms)
Muscle snatch 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Power snatch 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Snatch 5-5-5-5-5 reps
did this wod on the 4th of october, found it to really improve my strength, explosiveness and technique after a few reps (had to, otherwise fail). Was happy to see some improvements across the board.. just missed out on 57.5kg squat snatch, failed on the last rep!
work up to max turkish get-up = 32kg (both arms)
Muscle snatch 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Power snatch 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Snatch 5-5-5-5-5 reps
did this wod on the 4th of october, found it to really improve my strength, explosiveness and technique after a few reps (had to, otherwise fail). Was happy to see some improvements across the board.. just missed out on 57.5kg squat snatch, failed on the last rep!
Thursday, 17 November 2011
thursday 17/11/11
WOD # 1:
On the minute every minute for 10 minutes -
Run 100m
Accumulate as many double-unders as you can
total=253 du
WOD # 2:
Tabata bottom to bottom squats=89 cumulative squats
Then straight into 800m run=3:44
WOD # 3:
Tabata hollow body
WOD # 4:
5rounds of
1rope climb 11ft
max rings dips
total=29 dips
WOD # 5:
10 duelling rope whips
100m farmer carry 20kg each hand
10 duelling rope whips
100m farmer carry 24kg
10 duelling rope whips
100m farmer carry 28kg
10 duelling rope whips
100m farmer carry 32kg
WOD # 6:
10m weighted rope pull x2
lots of short wods, focusing on power rather than aerobic capacity. Heaps of fun playing with new ropes, during wod 1 i focused on short 40m all out sprint then used the rest of the time to actively recover, trying to improve my atp-cp capacity and recovery.
On the minute every minute for 10 minutes -
Run 100m
Accumulate as many double-unders as you can
total=253 du
WOD # 2:
Tabata bottom to bottom squats=89 cumulative squats
Then straight into 800m run=3:44
WOD # 3:
Tabata hollow body
WOD # 4:
5rounds of
1rope climb 11ft
max rings dips
total=29 dips
WOD # 5:
10 duelling rope whips
100m farmer carry 20kg each hand
10 duelling rope whips
100m farmer carry 24kg
10 duelling rope whips
100m farmer carry 28kg
10 duelling rope whips
100m farmer carry 32kg
WOD # 6:
10m weighted rope pull x2
![]() |
new duelling ropes |
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
rope climbs
wod 1:
Nasty’s Birthday WOD: ”Naughty Forties”
400m run
40 KB swings 28kg
40 sit-ups
40 KB circles 28kg
40 box jumps 24"
40 KB SDHP 28kg
40 double-unders
40 KB 1 arm swings 28kg
400m run
wod 2:
5 minute amrap of 10ft rope climbs
wod 3:
every minute on the minute:
squat clean 95% of 1rm
so dissapointed at wod 3, this great conditioning tool i borrowed from blair morrison's training programme, i used 90kg as my 1rm is 95kg, but just couldnt get the fifth one up. Stoked for jack who not only got all 10 done but felt good enough to throw down a pr 100kg squat clean at the end! hell yeahhhh.
We got ropes in the gym now! heaps of fun and an amrap of climbs was just what was needed to get some confidence and efficiency on technique. Me and jack both had 13 climbs at the end, it started to get hard after the 8th, especially since we were climbing down with no feet as it destroy's the bottom of inov8's..
the morning chipper was a great metcon which felt good except for the 1arm swings, sdhp and the last run killed.
Nasty’s Birthday WOD: ”Naughty Forties”
400m run
40 KB swings 28kg
40 sit-ups
40 KB circles 28kg
40 box jumps 24"
40 KB SDHP 28kg
40 double-unders
40 KB 1 arm swings 28kg
400m run
wod 2:
5 minute amrap of 10ft rope climbs
wod 3:
every minute on the minute:
squat clean 95% of 1rm
so dissapointed at wod 3, this great conditioning tool i borrowed from blair morrison's training programme, i used 90kg as my 1rm is 95kg, but just couldnt get the fifth one up. Stoked for jack who not only got all 10 done but felt good enough to throw down a pr 100kg squat clean at the end! hell yeahhhh.
We got ropes in the gym now! heaps of fun and an amrap of climbs was just what was needed to get some confidence and efficiency on technique. Me and jack both had 13 climbs at the end, it started to get hard after the 8th, especially since we were climbing down with no feet as it destroy's the bottom of inov8's..
the morning chipper was a great metcon which felt good except for the 1arm swings, sdhp and the last run killed.
Monday, 14 November 2011
finished with the 6 week long strength phase twice a week at the box, onto a power phase consisting of explosive, quick movements to develop power on top of the strengths gains.
band resisted squats 3x8 (40kg + 1red,2 yellow bands)
incline rowing sprints (placed ends of rower on box so that pushing against gravity/bodyweight)
200m, rest, 150m, rest, 100m
box jump and quick stick jumps
band resisted squats 3x8 (40kg + 1red,2 yellow bands)
incline rowing sprints (placed ends of rower on box so that pushing against gravity/bodyweight)
200m, rest, 150m, rest, 100m
box jump and quick stick jumps
globo gym
My friend who i havnt seen in a while invited me to go to the globo gym he goes to, the atmosphere was tons different to the crossfit gym but i decided to make the most of it and take advantage of a few good things they had.
incline bench 3x5 60kg
incline db press 2x5 55kg
back extension with 20kg plate 3x20
sdhp 5-5-5 = 40/50/60kg
work up to max thruster =74kg
pretty happy about the max thruster, its a coincidence but the mainsite wod for today was 1-1-1-1-1-1 thruster! weird.. its been a while since i have tried any heavy thrusters but i know last time i couldnt put 70kg overhead and it was pretty easy today. sweet
incline bench 3x5 60kg
incline db press 2x5 55kg
back extension with 20kg plate 3x20
sdhp 5-5-5 = 40/50/60kg
work up to max thruster =74kg
pretty happy about the max thruster, its a coincidence but the mainsite wod for today was 1-1-1-1-1-1 thruster! weird.. its been a while since i have tried any heavy thrusters but i know last time i couldnt put 70kg overhead and it was pretty easy today. sweet
Friday, 11 November 2011
100m (roughly) sprint
90 seconds rest
10 rounds
with 13:30 in rest, that means the sprint time equals to 2:56 seconds. roughly 18seconds each sprint.
pretty happy with this considering the last 3 or 4 rounds i couldnt feel my legs,giving me a feeling like i was floating..
90 seconds rest
10 rounds
with 13:30 in rest, that means the sprint time equals to 2:56 seconds. roughly 18seconds each sprint.
pretty happy with this considering the last 3 or 4 rounds i couldnt feel my legs,giving me a feeling like i was floating..
Thursday, 10 November 2011
thurs 10/11
Strength: Work up to your 1 rep max split jerk
15, 12, 9, 6, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15
Thrusters 45kg
Burpee bar hops
3x5 strict press 50kg
4reps, 1 rep, 3 reps
3x3 back squat 110kg
2 reps, 1 rep, 1 rep
3x5 weighted pullup 12kg
5 reps, 4reps, 4 reps
3x5 weighted dips
this morning's wod was a grind, didnt feel that gassed until the last set of 15 which probably means i could of gone harder and pushed more.. the burpees were done at a steady pace but had to break the thrusters into sets of 3. The strength wod felt horrible after this mornings wod, the back squats were an absolute killer just to get a single rep, didnt manage to finish any sets the way i set out too. Just too tired i suppose?
Strength: Work up to your 1 rep max split jerk
15, 12, 9, 6, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15
Thrusters 45kg
Burpee bar hops
3x5 strict press 50kg
4reps, 1 rep, 3 reps
3x3 back squat 110kg
2 reps, 1 rep, 1 rep
3x5 weighted pullup 12kg
5 reps, 4reps, 4 reps
3x5 weighted dips
this morning's wod was a grind, didnt feel that gassed until the last set of 15 which probably means i could of gone harder and pushed more.. the burpees were done at a steady pace but had to break the thrusters into sets of 3. The strength wod felt horrible after this mornings wod, the back squats were an absolute killer just to get a single rep, didnt manage to finish any sets the way i set out too. Just too tired i suppose?
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
overhead squatting
attempt at max double under=110
work up to 3rm ohs=70kg (2reps of 75kg)
5rounds of
10 hang cleans 45kg
10 toes to bar
10 front squats 45kg
overhead squats are probably my favorite movement, my 1rm at the moment is 80kg but my goal is to keep up with strength training and hit a 100kg ohs by February next year.
attempt at max double under=110
work up to 3rm ohs=70kg (2reps of 75kg)
5rounds of
10 hang cleans 45kg
10 toes to bar
10 front squats 45kg
overhead squats are probably my favorite movement, my 1rm at the moment is 80kg but my goal is to keep up with strength training and hit a 100kg ohs by February next year.
Monday, 7 November 2011
pr squat clean
wod #1
20 mins to establish max clean (either power or squat)
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of
kb snatch 24kg
power clean 50kg
20 mins to establish max clean (either power or squat)
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of
kb snatch 24kg
power clean 50kg
Sunday, 6 November 2011
mainsite- sunday 6/11/11
For time:
Row 300 meters
135 pound Push press, 20 reps
Row 300 meters
135 pound Push press, 15 reps
Row 300 meters
135 pound Push press, 10 reps
Row 300 meters
135 pound Push press, 5 reps
When i saw two of my weakness's on the mainsite, rowing and going heavy overhead, i knew it would be a good wod. broke up the push press/jerk into sets of three. Need to get stronger with my presses.
Row 300 meters
135 pound Push press, 20 reps
Row 300 meters
135 pound Push press, 15 reps
Row 300 meters
135 pound Push press, 10 reps
Row 300 meters
135 pound Push press, 5 reps
When i saw two of my weakness's on the mainsite, rowing and going heavy overhead, i knew it would be a good wod. broke up the push press/jerk into sets of three. Need to get stronger with my presses.
Saturday, 5 November 2011
5x3 front squats
WOD # 2: Benchmark “Annie”50-40-30-20-10
pr's on both annie and 3rm front squat, thats wassup!
5x3 front squats
WOD # 2: Benchmark “Annie”50-40-30-20-10
pr's on both annie and 3rm front squat, thats wassup!
Thursday, 3 November 2011
WOD # 1:
KB swings 24kg
WOD # 2:
Tabata hollow-body/superman
WOD # 3:
3 sets of max 80kg bench
3x5 105kg back squat
3x5 CTB strict pullups (8 blocks/11kg)
KB swings 24kg
WOD # 2:
Tabata hollow-body/superman
WOD # 3:
3 sets of max 80kg bench
3x5 105kg back squat
3x5 CTB strict pullups (8 blocks/11kg)
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
jacks birthday wod
WOD: amrap20 of
6 box jumps
6 toes to bar
6 squat cleans 60kg
1 clean & jerk
total = 8/13
snatch balance- work up to 1rm
6 box jumps
6 toes to bar
6 squat cleans 60kg
1 clean & jerk
total = 8/13
snatch balance- work up to 1rm
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