5-5-3-3-3 bench press
40/60/80/85(f)/85kg pr
3x10 ring pushups
3x3 ring fly's
3x10 planche pushups progression
3x max bar dips=19/18/16
3x max strict neutral grip pullup=12/10/10
swim 100m freestyle
max strict hspu
total=400m freestyle/14hspu
Really fun day of training today, Pete and myself got to the gym round 8:30, warmed up and did some strength training for bench press. Got a pr for 3 without knowing it! we are gonna do alot of strength training in the next few months, 1st week 5x5, 2nd week 5x3, 3rd week 5x1, 4th week deload.
The second wod was done on the way to the pool, found this metal ladder previously joined to a slide but with the slide gone it made a perfect dip and pullup bar. I have been really excited to train outdoors lately and explore around where i live for some good spots to workout. Blair Morrison is obviously a big inspiration in that regards.. anyway after the street workout i ran down to the local pool to bust out a swod (swimwod). it was late about 6:30pm on a sat night (im pretty cool ok) so there wasnt an abundance of people at the pool and it was quite cold (probably the coldest night in 5 months and i decide i want to swim??) but the few people who were there thought it was funny seeing a guy doing handstand pushups against a pole by the pool. Inbetween breathing hard, struggling to get out of the pool and burning shoulders from the freestyle, the hspu were insanely hard. I got 4 rds of 4/4/3/3 hspu. During the swim just tried to maintain a slow heart rate and slow my stroke rate but keep kicking hard with my feet. something ive been told by my swimming coach matt.
Saturday, 31 March 2012
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
3 x max strict hspu=11pr/9/7reps
then 20 mins of practicing:
kipping hspu
muscle ups with kipping dip
rope climb
30 clean and jerks 60kg
5mins rest then
'mini grace'
30 c+j 30kg
gymnastics class
Good day of training strength, skills and a short metcon benchmark. Smashed my 'grace' time by 1:18, had a plan to break up 7,6,5,4,3,2,1,1,1 but that fell to shit.. got the first 7, then 3, then a couple 2's then singles for the last 10. haha! oh well next time ill try and stick to the game plan. New pr on my hspu's also, aiming to be able to do 30 strict so a little work to do still ;) im being consistent with my gymnastics class so that i improve alot and i already see big improvements.. I did my first ring hspu the other day and they are heaps easier to get into now. more confident, feeling stronger, this is good.
3 x max strict hspu=11pr/9/7reps
then 20 mins of practicing:
kipping hspu
muscle ups with kipping dip
rope climb
30 clean and jerks 60kg
5mins rest then
'mini grace'
30 c+j 30kg
gymnastics class
Good day of training strength, skills and a short metcon benchmark. Smashed my 'grace' time by 1:18, had a plan to break up 7,6,5,4,3,2,1,1,1 but that fell to shit.. got the first 7, then 3, then a couple 2's then singles for the last 10. haha! oh well next time ill try and stick to the game plan. New pr on my hspu's also, aiming to be able to do 30 strict so a little work to do still ;) im being consistent with my gymnastics class so that i improve alot and i already see big improvements.. I did my first ring hspu the other day and they are heaps easier to get into now. more confident, feeling stronger, this is good.
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
Snatch balance 3-3-2-2-1-1-1
40/50/60/65/70/75pr/80kg pr
3 rds of
3 power snatch 60kg
15 wallballs 9kg to 10ft
300m row
rest 2 mins
time=(rd1=2:45/rd2=3:07/rd3=2:42) total time=12:34
15m zercher carry-work up to max rest 1min between
turkish getup-work up to max each side
32kg both sides
5 rds of
20 kb swings 24kg
400m run
time=14:04 pr
Snatch balance 3-3-2-2-1-1-1
40/50/60/65/70/75pr/80kg pr
3 rds of
3 power snatch 60kg
15 wallballs 9kg to 10ft
300m row
rest 2 mins
time=(rd1=2:45/rd2=3:07/rd3=2:42) total time=12:34
15m zercher carry-work up to max rest 1min between
turkish getup-work up to max each side
32kg both sides
5 rds of
20 kb swings 24kg
400m run
time=14:04 pr
Monday, 26 March 2012
games wod 12.5
3 thrusters 45kg
3 CTB pullups
6 thrusters
6 CTB pullups
9 thrusters
9 CTB pullups
total=99 reps (9 thrusters into set of 18)
I had 100 reps but couldnt lock it out!! haha i was happy with my improvement since last years 11.6 wod. I improved by 29 reps which is pretty big and i feel i may have been able to do more if i wasnt so sick the few days previous, was wrecked afterwards and even got pretty emotional in the carpark as i proceeded to almost yack, cry, then yack again. It hurt.
Now that the open is finished, I have placed 4388th worldwide and 286th in the australian region with the top 60 going to regionals. For the next year i am going to work my hardest to get in the top 60 and make it to the regionals in 2013. That is my yearly goal and i will do everything in my power to make it happen. I know i have the potential and i want it so so bad. Im going to do my absolute best to either go individual or as a team with cooee! would be way more fun as a team. Its gonna be one hell of a fight, but i know we can do it.
Regionals 2013 here we come.
3 thrusters 45kg
3 CTB pullups
6 thrusters
6 CTB pullups
9 thrusters
9 CTB pullups
total=99 reps (9 thrusters into set of 18)
I had 100 reps but couldnt lock it out!! haha i was happy with my improvement since last years 11.6 wod. I improved by 29 reps which is pretty big and i feel i may have been able to do more if i wasnt so sick the few days previous, was wrecked afterwards and even got pretty emotional in the carpark as i proceeded to almost yack, cry, then yack again. It hurt.
Now that the open is finished, I have placed 4388th worldwide and 286th in the australian region with the top 60 going to regionals. For the next year i am going to work my hardest to get in the top 60 and make it to the regionals in 2013. That is my yearly goal and i will do everything in my power to make it happen. I know i have the potential and i want it so so bad. Im going to do my absolute best to either go individual or as a team with cooee! would be way more fun as a team. Its gonna be one hell of a fight, but i know we can do it.
Regionals 2013 here we come.
Friday, 23 March 2012
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
Talk To Me Johnnie
I got this from the crossfit football site, I like how they explained their programming, simple and direct. I plan on following pretty much this with the exception of a few tweaks to gear more towards crossfit competition. If you want to get stronger and be more powerful/ explosive, then crossfit football is perfect. Gonna follow these guys for a 3 month cycle starting next week.
Talk To Me Johnnie,
I’m a high school junior looking to play Division 1-AA football in college. I’ve been doing CrossFit for a couple of years now, and I’m looking for what types of exercises I need to be able to do, and goals I need to hit in order to make it.
I figure you guys would be the best people to ask. Let me know.

I am going to let you in on a secret, there is this training site programmed by this ex-NFL player called CrossFit Football. If you click on CrossFitFootballDotCom, you can find it.
Start on Monday with the Amateur level.
I will bet you a 40 oz rib eye, the first thing it will tell you to do is squat 3 sets of 5 reps. To clarify, that is 3 sets of 5 reps of the same weight on the squat. When I say squat, I mean a back squat. This is the variation where you put a heavy bar at the base of your traps, stand erect, push your hips back, sit down till your hips are lower than the top of your knees and stand up as fast as you can. And for future reference, every time you see squat programmed, add 5 lbs to what you did last workout until you cannot squat all 5 reps. Hopefully by that time, your squat is at least 400 lbs or double your body weight. If you weight under 200 lbs you should squat 400 lbs, if you are over 200 lbs it should be close to double body weight.
Next you are going to press. When I say press, I mean a standing military shoulder press with a barbell. You are going to press 3 sets of 5 reps straight across. And for future reference, every time you see press programmed, add 2.5 lbs to what you did last workout until you cannot add 2.5 lbs to the bar. By the time you start to fail at your 3 sets of 5 reps, you should be close to pressing your body weight.
Then you are going to see something called the Daily WOD. This is the conditioning portion of the training. I want you to attack it with the fury of a thousand suns. It should only take 7-15 minutes…most days.
Make sure you drink plenty of water during the day and start eating. You will see the strength gains increasing as you consume more food.
I know it seems crazy but I promise you this, if you start to measure you protein in pounds, you will get bigger and stronger.
Lets roll play.
”Hey Steve, how much did you eat today?”
“I had 3 pounds of meat and 8 lbs of milk.”
“Great work! And how is the strength coming along?”
“I have not failed on my linear progression in 3 months and am squatting over 400 lbs. I hit 300 lbs on the bench, have pressed my body weight and can deadlift 500 lbs. And I found sleeping 11 hours a day did wonders.”
“Absolutely amazing! Those are great results and I would say on paper, and merely judging by the weight room, you are ready to go play college football.”
The next day, you will wake up and see another workout on CrossFit FootballDotCom for Tuesday. I am sure you can see where this is going.
This will be a deadlift for 5 reps. You will warm up and pull the 5 heaviest reps you can and move on. This is just 1 set to 5, so don’t be tempted to do more.
To quote from a recent conversation with Mark Rippetoe, “Fives are almost too powerful. They should be reserved only for those who want brutal strength.”
You will move on to dead hand pull ups, 3 sets for max reps. Once done with the deadlifts and pull ups you will move on the Daily WOD. This will involve some running or jumping and should only take 7-15 minutes…most days.
Once done, make sure you drink plenty of water, eat your pounds and sleep.
The third day is a rest day. So instead of going into the gym and messing around, go home, get off your feet and rest.
Day 4 is going to be another squat of 3 sets of 5 reps. You will add 5 lbs to what you did on Monday and do 3 sets straight across. Then you will replace the press with the bench for 3 sets of 5 reps. Each week, similar to the press, you will add 2.5 lbs the bar until you can not add 2.5 lbs to the bar. When it fails you should be around a 300 lbs bench or 1.5 x body weight; only if you have eaten, rested and followed the program. Next, complete the Daily WOD.
Come in on Friday for 5 sets of 3 power cleans followed with 3 sets of max reps of dead hand chin ups. Followed again, by a Daily WOD.
On Saturday, if you are feeling up to it, there is a conditioning workout posted. If you are feeling beat up and tired, don’t concern yourself, take Saturday and Sunday to rest, eat and recover.
Come Monday, rinse and repeat.
Remember, the foundation of your training is the back squat.
If you want a strong back and hands, deadlift heavy 5’s.
If you want strong shoulders with a thick chest and arms blend a generous side of pull-ups and chin-ups with a stead diet of heavy benching and pressing.
If you want to hit harder, learn violent hip extension. It just so happens, it is extremely difficult to power clean a heavy weight without a violent hip extension, so you are in luck.
The only thing left to do is show up and do the work. But here in lays the problem. The reason 99.9% of people do not make gains or reach their goals is consistency.
Everyone can do it for a few days or even weeks, but can you be consistent for months? What about years? Consistency in your training means never missing a day. Consistency with your diet means making sure you eat your calories everyday.
Not the…”I didn’t eat for 2 days so I am going to gorge myself on the third to make up for it.”
If you follow the program as it is written with great consistency, eat with great consistency and rest you will be farther closer to your dream of playing college football than ever thought possible.
Talk To Me Johnnie,
I’m a high school junior looking to play Division 1-AA football in college. I’ve been doing CrossFit for a couple of years now, and I’m looking for what types of exercises I need to be able to do, and goals I need to hit in order to make it.
I figure you guys would be the best people to ask. Let me know.
I am going to let you in on a secret, there is this training site programmed by this ex-NFL player called CrossFit Football. If you click on CrossFitFootballDotCom, you can find it.
Start on Monday with the Amateur level.
I will bet you a 40 oz rib eye, the first thing it will tell you to do is squat 3 sets of 5 reps. To clarify, that is 3 sets of 5 reps of the same weight on the squat. When I say squat, I mean a back squat. This is the variation where you put a heavy bar at the base of your traps, stand erect, push your hips back, sit down till your hips are lower than the top of your knees and stand up as fast as you can. And for future reference, every time you see squat programmed, add 5 lbs to what you did last workout until you cannot squat all 5 reps. Hopefully by that time, your squat is at least 400 lbs or double your body weight. If you weight under 200 lbs you should squat 400 lbs, if you are over 200 lbs it should be close to double body weight.
Next you are going to press. When I say press, I mean a standing military shoulder press with a barbell. You are going to press 3 sets of 5 reps straight across. And for future reference, every time you see press programmed, add 2.5 lbs to what you did last workout until you cannot add 2.5 lbs to the bar. By the time you start to fail at your 3 sets of 5 reps, you should be close to pressing your body weight.
Then you are going to see something called the Daily WOD. This is the conditioning portion of the training. I want you to attack it with the fury of a thousand suns. It should only take 7-15 minutes…most days.
Make sure you drink plenty of water during the day and start eating. You will see the strength gains increasing as you consume more food.
I know it seems crazy but I promise you this, if you start to measure you protein in pounds, you will get bigger and stronger.
Lets roll play.
”Hey Steve, how much did you eat today?”
“I had 3 pounds of meat and 8 lbs of milk.”
“Great work! And how is the strength coming along?”
“I have not failed on my linear progression in 3 months and am squatting over 400 lbs. I hit 300 lbs on the bench, have pressed my body weight and can deadlift 500 lbs. And I found sleeping 11 hours a day did wonders.”
“Absolutely amazing! Those are great results and I would say on paper, and merely judging by the weight room, you are ready to go play college football.”
The next day, you will wake up and see another workout on CrossFit FootballDotCom for Tuesday. I am sure you can see where this is going.
This will be a deadlift for 5 reps. You will warm up and pull the 5 heaviest reps you can and move on. This is just 1 set to 5, so don’t be tempted to do more.
To quote from a recent conversation with Mark Rippetoe, “Fives are almost too powerful. They should be reserved only for those who want brutal strength.”
You will move on to dead hand pull ups, 3 sets for max reps. Once done with the deadlifts and pull ups you will move on the Daily WOD. This will involve some running or jumping and should only take 7-15 minutes…most days.
Once done, make sure you drink plenty of water, eat your pounds and sleep.
The third day is a rest day. So instead of going into the gym and messing around, go home, get off your feet and rest.
Day 4 is going to be another squat of 3 sets of 5 reps. You will add 5 lbs to what you did on Monday and do 3 sets straight across. Then you will replace the press with the bench for 3 sets of 5 reps. Each week, similar to the press, you will add 2.5 lbs the bar until you can not add 2.5 lbs to the bar. When it fails you should be around a 300 lbs bench or 1.5 x body weight; only if you have eaten, rested and followed the program. Next, complete the Daily WOD.
Come in on Friday for 5 sets of 3 power cleans followed with 3 sets of max reps of dead hand chin ups. Followed again, by a Daily WOD.
On Saturday, if you are feeling up to it, there is a conditioning workout posted. If you are feeling beat up and tired, don’t concern yourself, take Saturday and Sunday to rest, eat and recover.
Come Monday, rinse and repeat.
Remember, the foundation of your training is the back squat.
If you want a strong back and hands, deadlift heavy 5’s.
If you want strong shoulders with a thick chest and arms blend a generous side of pull-ups and chin-ups with a stead diet of heavy benching and pressing.
If you want to hit harder, learn violent hip extension. It just so happens, it is extremely difficult to power clean a heavy weight without a violent hip extension, so you are in luck.
The only thing left to do is show up and do the work. But here in lays the problem. The reason 99.9% of people do not make gains or reach their goals is consistency.
Everyone can do it for a few days or even weeks, but can you be consistent for months? What about years? Consistency in your training means never missing a day. Consistency with your diet means making sure you eat your calories everyday.
Not the…”I didn’t eat for 2 days so I am going to gorge myself on the third to make up for it.”
If you follow the program as it is written with great consistency, eat with great consistency and rest you will be farther closer to your dream of playing college football than ever thought possible.
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
Eric Thomas. This man has the voice to motivate the most down and out people. But more importantly, he can motivate people who are up and flying! FLYING! gets me so ampeddddddd.
Love this guy, love this stuff, love this game!
1) Preparation
2) Perfect Small
3) Positioning
4) Perseverance
Eric Thomas. This man has the voice to motivate the most down and out people. But more importantly, he can motivate people who are up and flying! FLYING! gets me so ampeddddddd.
Love this guy, love this stuff, love this game!
1) Preparation
2) Perfect Small
3) Positioning
4) Perseverance
Monday, 19 March 2012
monday dips
1-1-1-1-1 OHS
60/70/80/85/90(stood up but wobbled heaps) 90kg pr
max attempt at wallball=30
Strength: 10-10-10 strict ring dip
100 single-unders
10 ring dips (RD)
100m run
200 single-unders
20 RD
200m run
300 single-unders
30 RD
300m run
200 single-unders
20 RD
200m run
100 single-unders
10 RD
100m run
good strength and technique followed by long metcon. OHS is feeling alot stronger, its usually my arms which give out but this timemy legs were the ones failing and my arm position felt much stronger (probably due to loads of upper boddy strength and gymnastics work i have been doing). Strict ring dips for strength, but in the wod i did all kipping to get more efficient with this timing ect.. felt really good! was 90 dips in total and i broke them into sets of around 7, always hopping off just before the point of failure.
1-1-1-1-1 OHS
60/70/80/85/90(stood up but wobbled heaps) 90kg pr
max attempt at wallball=30
Strength: 10-10-10 strict ring dip
100 single-unders
10 ring dips (RD)
100m run
200 single-unders
20 RD
200m run
300 single-unders
30 RD
300m run
200 single-unders
20 RD
200m run
100 single-unders
10 RD
100m run
good strength and technique followed by long metcon. OHS is feeling alot stronger, its usually my arms which give out but this timemy legs were the ones failing and my arm position felt much stronger (probably due to loads of upper boddy strength and gymnastics work i have been doing). Strict ring dips for strength, but in the wod i did all kipping to get more efficient with this timing ect.. felt really good! was 90 dips in total and i broke them into sets of around 7, always hopping off just before the point of failure.
Sunday, 18 March 2012
death by power clean
death by power clean 85kg
5rds of
3 weighted strict pullup 20kg
5 strict pullups
7 butterfly pullups
rest as needed between rds
death by power clean 85kg
5rds of
3 weighted strict pullup 20kg
5 strict pullups
7 butterfly pullups
rest as needed between rds
Friday, 16 March 2012
Open Wod 12.4
12 min AMRAP
150 wall-balls (9kg medball at 10ft target)
90 double-unders
30 muscle-ups
total=243 reps
Got the wobbles hardcore from this wod, i have never done "Karen" before, a benchmark girl with 150 wallballs. I have not done that many wallballs to begin with so i was expecting to slog through them pretty slow.. i broke them up into sets of 15 until about 60 then into sets of whatever i could muster.. (5-7?) definatly something im going to include religiously into my training regime. im thinking max wallball attempt every training day until i can do 150 unbroken! thats a HUGE goal but thats how bad i want to master this movement. This time next year i want to have acheived that goal.. HOLD ME TO IT! anyways.. the double unders were way hard after the wb's i tried doing 3 sets of 30 but stuffed up a few along the way, got to the double under about 2:30 left, finshed them with about 40ish secs left. Enough time to knock out 3 muscle ups. I was hoping all my training i have done the last year for muscle ups would kick in and be able to do a big set in one go, but i guess i havnt trained them whilst THAT FATIGUED, i fell through on my third attempt giving me a nice suprise. Good wod that sucked to do. Still deciding whether im going to attempt it again. I dont think so, the only one i have done more than once was the burpees and that was due to having the waving ring as my target. Unless i do it again, im planning on running a 5km timed run soon to see if i can beat my bro and to do something different.
150 wall-balls (9kg medball at 10ft target)
90 double-unders
30 muscle-ups
total=243 reps
Got the wobbles hardcore from this wod, i have never done "Karen" before, a benchmark girl with 150 wallballs. I have not done that many wallballs to begin with so i was expecting to slog through them pretty slow.. i broke them up into sets of 15 until about 60 then into sets of whatever i could muster.. (5-7?) definatly something im going to include religiously into my training regime. im thinking max wallball attempt every training day until i can do 150 unbroken! thats a HUGE goal but thats how bad i want to master this movement. This time next year i want to have acheived that goal.. HOLD ME TO IT! anyways.. the double unders were way hard after the wb's i tried doing 3 sets of 30 but stuffed up a few along the way, got to the double under about 2:30 left, finshed them with about 40ish secs left. Enough time to knock out 3 muscle ups. I was hoping all my training i have done the last year for muscle ups would kick in and be able to do a big set in one go, but i guess i havnt trained them whilst THAT FATIGUED, i fell through on my third attempt giving me a nice suprise. Good wod that sucked to do. Still deciding whether im going to attempt it again. I dont think so, the only one i have done more than once was the burpees and that was due to having the waving ring as my target. Unless i do it again, im planning on running a 5km timed run soon to see if i can beat my bro and to do something different.
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
gymnastics lesson
parallel bar practice:
dip swings
tuck planche holds
weighted dips 3x5@30kg
2-2-2-2-2 deadlifts
8 min AMRAP
1 squat clean thruster 60kg
1 front squat
1 split jerk
5 burpee bar hops
wod#3 gymnastics class
L-sit/handstand practice
forward rolls, dive rolls
forward handspring (first time ever!)
front flips
ring practice
straddle front lever holds
Great to do some gymnastics strength stuff, but also more fun was to learn some movements like handsprings, every wednesday at subiaco pcyc 7:15pm there is an adults only class with lots of equipment, great teacher and small group size, pretty good for $20. Im looking to go every week and learn better skills to take away and practive alone, aswell as to teach others. The 2nd wod was awesome i love lifting heavy and the 60kg got pretty heavy after a few rounds. Tried to maintain a round every 30 seconds but that quickly turned it one every minute. My back is hurting abit from mondays heavy cleans.
parallel bar practice:
dip swings
tuck planche holds
weighted dips 3x5@30kg
2-2-2-2-2 deadlifts
8 min AMRAP
1 squat clean thruster 60kg
1 front squat
1 split jerk
5 burpee bar hops
wod#3 gymnastics class
L-sit/handstand practice
forward rolls, dive rolls
forward handspring (first time ever!)
front flips
ring practice
straddle front lever holds
Great to do some gymnastics strength stuff, but also more fun was to learn some movements like handsprings, every wednesday at subiaco pcyc 7:15pm there is an adults only class with lots of equipment, great teacher and small group size, pretty good for $20. Im looking to go every week and learn better skills to take away and practive alone, aswell as to teach others. The 2nd wod was awesome i love lifting heavy and the 60kg got pretty heavy after a few rounds. Tried to maintain a round every 30 seconds but that quickly turned it one every minute. My back is hurting abit from mondays heavy cleans.
Monday, 12 March 2012
"Mary likes to clean"
1 attempt at heavy clean (power or squat)
5 hspu
10 pistols
15 pullups
(score is total weight cleaned)
This wod was designed to challenge athletes with complex gymnastics movements and lifting heavy when fatigued, A common occurance in elite crossfit competitions. Only one attempt of the clean was allowed and if unsuccessful, another round of mary had to be completed before another attempt could be made.
I chose to go very heavy and pace myself throughout the wod, trying to get focus on the movements and technique rather than going balls to the wall. I made all the cleans but in doing so spent alot of time resting to prepare for the lifts, something im going to minimise next time i go heavy. My cleans were as follows.. 100kg/100/100/95/90/90/90 = 665kg
Ive made a huge improvement in my strength and power since my max clean is 100kg and i got 3 during a wod aswell as 1 right before the wod. Being comfortable with that weight is very motivating, I want to become so confident with weight that anything under 100kg seems really light. Keep lifting heavy and following crossfit football, strongman wod should keep me on the right path.
Wednesday night im going to an adult gymnastics class with some mates which should be loads of fun! stay tuned for that..
1 attempt at heavy clean (power or squat)
5 hspu
10 pistols
15 pullups
(score is total weight cleaned)
This wod was designed to challenge athletes with complex gymnastics movements and lifting heavy when fatigued, A common occurance in elite crossfit competitions. Only one attempt of the clean was allowed and if unsuccessful, another round of mary had to be completed before another attempt could be made.
I chose to go very heavy and pace myself throughout the wod, trying to get focus on the movements and technique rather than going balls to the wall. I made all the cleans but in doing so spent alot of time resting to prepare for the lifts, something im going to minimise next time i go heavy. My cleans were as follows.. 100kg/100/100/95/90/90/90 = 665kg
Ive made a huge improvement in my strength and power since my max clean is 100kg and i got 3 during a wod aswell as 1 right before the wod. Being comfortable with that weight is very motivating, I want to become so confident with weight that anything under 100kg seems really light. Keep lifting heavy and following crossfit football, strongman wod should keep me on the right path.
Wednesday night im going to an adult gymnastics class with some mates which should be loads of fun! stay tuned for that..
Sunday, 11 March 2012
open wod 12.3
15 box jump 24"
12 push press 52.5kg
9 Toes to Bar
total=8rds 7 pushpress (310pts)
Loved this wod, Mentally pushed myself throughout the wod with positive self talk, In 18 mins alot can go through your mind. I personally went up and down with motivation, somewhere after 7 or 8 mins i wanted to give up, I didnt know if i could keep pushing myself for another 10 minutes, i weighed this up in my mind whilst i completed a few box jumps and told myself i was on a good pace and had already done alot, just had to keep it up and ignore the uncomfortable feeling i was having. Paid off with a score im very happy about. Broke up the push press second or third round in, did 3 sets of 5,4,3, something i picked up whilst judging Kirst. Split the toes to bar up into 2 sets of 6 and 3.
Competing in crossfit for me, is a chance to see where my training has taken me, training skills and technique, strength and endurance, all the time and focus spent on practicing, I feel it would be extremely hard to stay motivated throughout all this without having the chance to see your efforts come together in a competition. Its not the only thing pushing me to train harder than ever but it certainly plays an important role. Keep training and competing Folks!
15 box jump 24"
12 push press 52.5kg
9 Toes to Bar
total=8rds 7 pushpress (310pts)
Loved this wod, Mentally pushed myself throughout the wod with positive self talk, In 18 mins alot can go through your mind. I personally went up and down with motivation, somewhere after 7 or 8 mins i wanted to give up, I didnt know if i could keep pushing myself for another 10 minutes, i weighed this up in my mind whilst i completed a few box jumps and told myself i was on a good pace and had already done alot, just had to keep it up and ignore the uncomfortable feeling i was having. Paid off with a score im very happy about. Broke up the push press second or third round in, did 3 sets of 5,4,3, something i picked up whilst judging Kirst. Split the toes to bar up into 2 sets of 6 and 3.
Competing in crossfit for me, is a chance to see where my training has taken me, training skills and technique, strength and endurance, all the time and focus spent on practicing, I feel it would be extremely hard to stay motivated throughout all this without having the chance to see your efforts come together in a competition. Its not the only thing pushing me to train harder than ever but it certainly plays an important role. Keep training and competing Folks!
Friday, 9 March 2012
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
wednesday 7th march
3 rds of
10 deadlifts 100kg
30 double unders
15 box jumps (comp standard)
amrap 2 of 32kg kettlebell
10-10-8-6 press overhead to behind neck
wod#3 ROM wod
4rds for time of
5 burpee pullups
5 hspu
10 squat cleans 50kg
3 rds of
10 deadlifts 100kg
30 double unders
15 box jumps (comp standard)
amrap 2 of 32kg kettlebell
10-10-8-6 press overhead to behind neck
wod#3 ROM wod
4rds for time of
5 burpee pullups
5 hspu
10 squat cleans 50kg
Monday, 5 March 2012
wod#1 strongman wod "banana"
30 bodyweight thrusters
DB thrusters (10kg each)
CTB pullups
30 bodyweight thrusters
DB thrusters (10kg each)
CTB pullups
Saturday, 3 March 2012
open wod 12.2
wod#1 open wod 12.2
amrap 10
30 snatches 35kg
30 snatches 61kg
30 snatches 75kg
amrap snatches 95kg
total=60 reps
wod#2 skill/strength session
3-3-3-3-3 floor press
3 rds of
max strict hspu=9,7,6
max weighted pistol (1 on each leg)=16kg,20,24
max strict muscle ups=7,7,6
max pistol on one foot hopping onto box=7,6,7
amrap 10
30 snatches 35kg
30 snatches 61kg
30 snatches 75kg
amrap snatches 95kg
total=60 reps
wod#2 skill/strength session
3-3-3-3-3 floor press
3 rds of
max strict hspu=9,7,6
max weighted pistol (1 on each leg)=16kg,20,24
max strict muscle ups=7,7,6
max pistol on one foot hopping onto box=7,6,7
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