5x5 deadlift:
5x 100kg deadlift
5x 120kg deadlift
5x 120kg deadlift
5x 140kg deadlift
5x 150kg deadlift pr
1x 155kg deadlift pr
wod#2 "partner wod"
with a partner, perform 1 tower climb between each movment,
and complete in total (half each) of:
20 HSPU's
40 pistols
60 burpees
80 sit-ups
100 squats
60 burpees
40 pistols
20 HSPU's
mainsite wod
front squat 45kg
Wednesday, 30 May 2012
Tuesday, 29 May 2012
Strongman wod
5 rds for time of
10 hspu
30 meter farmer carry with 65kg each hand
5 rds for time of
10 hspu
30 meter farmer carry with 65kg each hand

I accidentally thought i had 70kg farmer carry's in each hand but it turns out it was only 65kg? My bad.. the original wod from Rob Orlando's Crossfit Strongman called for bodyweight in each hand and I'm guessing strict hspu's. However, that many strict would have taken me ages and also, i haven't practised kipping in a while, so i went with that.. The weight wasnt that bad on the walk but was just a little awkward, using rings around bumpers are a great substitution for legit farmer carry bars! Fun wod!
Monday, 28 May 2012
monday training
(power clean and power jerk practice)
x1 shankle complex with 80kg
3 hang clean pulls
1 hang squat clean
2 split jerk
4 rds of
15 thrusters 45kg
30 double unders
200m run
High bar back squat (rest 2-3mins between)
for time:
30 ground to shoulder then squat with 45kg keg
(alternate shoulders)
(power clean and power jerk practice)
x1 shankle complex with 80kg
3 hang clean pulls
1 hang squat clean
2 split jerk
4 rds of
15 thrusters 45kg
30 double unders
200m run
High bar back squat (rest 2-3mins between)
for time:
30 ground to shoulder then squat with 45kg keg
(alternate shoulders)
Sunday, 27 May 2012
Sunday wods
wod#1: "beach interval sprinting"
10mins of
10 second sprint
50 second slow jog
3 rounds of max strict pullups17,16,15
3 rounds of max hspu =10,11,9
wod#2: "partner kb's"
with partner, 1 person completes 1 round while the other rests:
5 box jumps right leg 20"
5 box jumps left leg 20"
5 clean and jerk, 2x16kg kb's
5 thrusters, 2x16kg kb's
10 walking lunges, 2x16kg kb's
5 rounds.
wod#3: "100 dips"
for time:
complete 100 parallel bar dips
(everytime you come off, complete 25 air squats)
broke dips into 7 sets of: 25,13,12,14,13,13,10
total of 150 air squats
10mins of
10 second sprint
50 second slow jog
3 rounds of max strict pullups17,16,15
3 rounds of max hspu =10,11,9
wod#2: "partner kb's"
with partner, 1 person completes 1 round while the other rests:
5 box jumps right leg 20"
5 box jumps left leg 20"
5 clean and jerk, 2x16kg kb's
5 thrusters, 2x16kg kb's
10 walking lunges, 2x16kg kb's
5 rounds.
wod#3: "100 dips"
for time:
complete 100 parallel bar dips
(everytime you come off, complete 25 air squats)
broke dips into 7 sets of: 25,13,12,14,13,13,10
total of 150 air squats
Saturday, 26 May 2012
saturday yoga/ active recovery
1 hour of yoga
5 rds of
1min row (around 1:45 pace)
1min rest
total of 1.5km row
5 rds of
1min row (around 1:45 pace)
1min rest
total of 1.5km row
Friday, 25 May 2012
3x1 "3 position snatch-Low to High" http://www.catalystathletics.com/exercises/exercise.php?exerciseID=65
barbell training: with 40kg
For 3 minutes, do 2 snatches every 30 seconds, then 2 clean & presses
For 4 minutes, do 3 snatches every 30 seconds, then 3 clean & presses
For 3 minutes, do 4 snatches every 30 seconds, then 4 clean & presses
WOD#1: “Graceabel”
30 clean & jerk 45kg
30 snatch 45kg
8 min limit
WOD#2: primal throwdown 11- wod 1
Amrap 5 mins
with 60kg barbell:
deadlift=1pt (1rep)
c+j=4pts (25reps)
squat snatch=9pts (5reps)
rest 1 min
800m run=2:59
3x1 "3 position snatch-Low to High" http://www.catalystathletics.com/exercises/exercise.php?exerciseID=65
barbell training: with 40kg
For 3 minutes, do 2 snatches every 30 seconds, then 2 clean & presses
For 4 minutes, do 3 snatches every 30 seconds, then 3 clean & presses
For 3 minutes, do 4 snatches every 30 seconds, then 4 clean & presses
WOD#1: “Graceabel”
30 clean & jerk 45kg
30 snatch 45kg
8 min limit
WOD#2: primal throwdown 11- wod 1
Amrap 5 mins
with 60kg barbell:
deadlift=1pt (1rep)
c+j=4pts (25reps)
squat snatch=9pts (5reps)
rest 1 min
800m run=2:59
Thursday, 24 May 2012
abmat annie
rest day/active recovery:
"abmat annie"
50 double unders, 50 abmat situps
40, 40
30, 30
20, 20
10, 10
This was meant to be an active recovery wod. Jac wanted to do a wod and i was keen as usual to do something active. Didnt feel too bad doing it and wasnt breathing that hard at the end, just went a nice fast pace. But writing this 3 days later and my abs are still sore as.. abmat situps definatly make it that little bit harder and really make your abs work for it. Still a fun wod to get the blood moving! im gonna do GHD annie when we get one. Ive heard people have been all kinds of hurt from something like that.. rhabdo to the abs has been repeated a few times. May have to work up to it slowly so i dont kill myself.
"abmat annie"
50 double unders, 50 abmat situps
40, 40
30, 30
20, 20
10, 10
This was meant to be an active recovery wod. Jac wanted to do a wod and i was keen as usual to do something active. Didnt feel too bad doing it and wasnt breathing that hard at the end, just went a nice fast pace. But writing this 3 days later and my abs are still sore as.. abmat situps definatly make it that little bit harder and really make your abs work for it. Still a fun wod to get the blood moving! im gonna do GHD annie when we get one. Ive heard people have been all kinds of hurt from something like that.. rhabdo to the abs has been repeated a few times. May have to work up to it slowly so i dont kill myself.
Wednesday, 23 May 2012
100kg OHS
3x3 snatch strict press= 30/35/40kg pr
3x3 snatch push press= 50/60/72.5kg pr
5x1 btn jerk/OHS= 70/80/90/95/100kg pr
max muscle up attempt= 11pr
800m run= 2:52
max thrusters at 45kg= 19pr
max buttefly pullups= 20
max L-Sit = 24 seconds
3x3 snatch strict press= 30/35/40kg pr
3x3 snatch push press= 50/60/72.5kg pr
5x1 btn jerk/OHS= 70/80/90/95/100kg pr
max muscle up attempt= 11pr
800m run= 2:52
max thrusters at 45kg= 19pr
max buttefly pullups= 20
max L-Sit = 24 seconds
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
30 weighted rope climbs
Work up to 3 rep max High bar back squat
15 min AMRAP -
200m run
3 back squats 100kg
5 burpees
7 box jumps 32"
9 push-ups
(3 muscle ups to finish at end of 15mins)
total=5rds, 1 run
strength: work up to max weight muscle up = around 11kg?
for time:
30 rope climbs 11ft with 20kg vest
Wod#2 was fucked. I wanted to work on my rope climbs in preperation for primal throwdown and figured a heavy weight vest would force me to use the most efficient technique and drastically improve my confidence in my ability to climb a rope. Tried to keep a pace of 1 climb every 30 secs but that blew out to trying to do 1 a minute! Focusing more on technique than trying to go as quick as possible, basically just wanted to get it done. Tried rope climbs afterwards with no vest on and it felt SOOOOO EASY. I think i achieved what is set out to do..
wod#1 was fun and cool to do it with Vini who wants to be pushed harder and get better which is like minded to myself. Me and Match are going to finish every wod with a buy out of 3 muscle ups, basically to get used to doing them when super fatigued. 3 is not that many but definatly good to throw in there.
Work up to 3 rep max High bar back squat
15 min AMRAP -
200m run
3 back squats 100kg
5 burpees
7 box jumps 32"
9 push-ups
(3 muscle ups to finish at end of 15mins)
total=5rds, 1 run
strength: work up to max weight muscle up = around 11kg?
for time:
30 rope climbs 11ft with 20kg vest
Wod#2 was fucked. I wanted to work on my rope climbs in preperation for primal throwdown and figured a heavy weight vest would force me to use the most efficient technique and drastically improve my confidence in my ability to climb a rope. Tried to keep a pace of 1 climb every 30 secs but that blew out to trying to do 1 a minute! Focusing more on technique than trying to go as quick as possible, basically just wanted to get it done. Tried rope climbs afterwards with no vest on and it felt SOOOOO EASY. I think i achieved what is set out to do..
wod#1 was fun and cool to do it with Vini who wants to be pushed harder and get better which is like minded to myself. Me and Match are going to finish every wod with a buy out of 3 muscle ups, basically to get used to doing them when super fatigued. 3 is not that many but definatly good to throw in there.
Monday, 21 May 2012
4 pr's
oly lifting:
3x3 hang power snatch = 60kg/65/70x1 pr
3X1 Power snatch = 60kg/65/70kg pr
with a 20kg weight vest complete:
3 rounds of -
7 deadlifts 120kg
7 hand release push-ups
3 rounds of -
21 squat jumps
7 toes to bar
100m KB farmers carry 2x20kg kb
28 box jumps 24″
100m KB farmers carry
3 hand release push-ups
17 min cut-off
total=17:00mins (just missed out on last 3 reps/did them after time anyway..)
2x 1min hollow body hold
5x3 close grip bench press = 70/75/80/85/90kg pr
e.m.o.m 3x80kg hang power clean for 7 mins
1 attempt at max 100kg hang power clean = 3reps!
Took a week off last week to recover and watch the regionals. First serious day back and i got 4 pr's! Im all fired up from the regionals and am ready to step up my training in order to either be in a team or compete individually next year. Following abit of outlaw programming i have been doing alot more olympic lifting before wods and am feeling much more confident and stronger in both oly lifts.
The vest made it super hard to breathe during the wod! would have been much faster/easier without the vest but thats not gonna make me better. Collapsed on the ground after the final 3 pushups and match had to remove the vest for me i was so wiped. Heaps of fun tho.
In the arvo me and pete did close grip bench for some pressing strength. Hit 90kg for 3reps which is more than my normal bench! SAWEET!
Lastly, did some hang power cleans every minute on the minute. Getting my inspiration from Rich Froning, e.m.o.m is a great way to work on movements and get alot of volume in without going to exhaustion! Going to be doing lots more in my programming. Watching the regionals wod 2 on the weekend which involved 30 hang power cleans at 100kg, I wasnt sure if i was able to do any so Match told me to give it a go because he thought i would be able to. I got 3 reps in a row! huge confidence booster that i am stronger than i thought.
Regionals 2013 babeh.
3x3 hang power snatch = 60kg/65/70x1 pr
3X1 Power snatch = 60kg/65/70kg pr
with a 20kg weight vest complete:
3 rounds of -
7 deadlifts 120kg
7 hand release push-ups
3 rounds of -
21 squat jumps
7 toes to bar
100m KB farmers carry 2x20kg kb
28 box jumps 24″
100m KB farmers carry
3 hand release push-ups
17 min cut-off
total=17:00mins (just missed out on last 3 reps/did them after time anyway..)
2x 1min hollow body hold
5x3 close grip bench press = 70/75/80/85/90kg pr
e.m.o.m 3x80kg hang power clean for 7 mins
1 attempt at max 100kg hang power clean = 3reps!
Took a week off last week to recover and watch the regionals. First serious day back and i got 4 pr's! Im all fired up from the regionals and am ready to step up my training in order to either be in a team or compete individually next year. Following abit of outlaw programming i have been doing alot more olympic lifting before wods and am feeling much more confident and stronger in both oly lifts.
The vest made it super hard to breathe during the wod! would have been much faster/easier without the vest but thats not gonna make me better. Collapsed on the ground after the final 3 pushups and match had to remove the vest for me i was so wiped. Heaps of fun tho.
In the arvo me and pete did close grip bench for some pressing strength. Hit 90kg for 3reps which is more than my normal bench! SAWEET!
Lastly, did some hang power cleans every minute on the minute. Getting my inspiration from Rich Froning, e.m.o.m is a great way to work on movements and get alot of volume in without going to exhaustion! Going to be doing lots more in my programming. Watching the regionals wod 2 on the weekend which involved 30 hang power cleans at 100kg, I wasnt sure if i was able to do any so Match told me to give it a go because he thought i would be able to. I got 3 reps in a row! huge confidence booster that i am stronger than i thought.
Regionals 2013 babeh.
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
Monday, 14 May 2012
Recovery Week
For the first time since starting crossfit in November, 2010. Im planning on resting for 5 days.
I will do some light rowing and might go for a slow jog. However im going to resist the urge to lift any heavy weights or engage in any form of intense exercise.
This is going to be tough for me, but im very keen to see what it will do for me in terms of my progress. Next week i will come back to fuck shit up again and it will be interesting to see how i feel/ if i can get even more out of my training. I have recently set many new pr's the last 3 weeks and my wrist and knee are somewhat irritated. Nothing terrible but i dont want them to linger on..
Above is a great post written by Blair Morrison of anywherefit. He goes further into the benefits of recovery than i care to, a great read fo sho.
Today i had my first ice bath. it ws painful but definatly better than i thought it would be!
looking forward to the Australian regionals this weekend! Flying over thursday night and come back the sunday night. Goodluck to all the athletes, im gonna be there next year..
For the first time since starting crossfit in November, 2010. Im planning on resting for 5 days.
I will do some light rowing and might go for a slow jog. However im going to resist the urge to lift any heavy weights or engage in any form of intense exercise.
This is going to be tough for me, but im very keen to see what it will do for me in terms of my progress. Next week i will come back to fuck shit up again and it will be interesting to see how i feel/ if i can get even more out of my training. I have recently set many new pr's the last 3 weeks and my wrist and knee are somewhat irritated. Nothing terrible but i dont want them to linger on..
Above is a great post written by Blair Morrison of anywherefit. He goes further into the benefits of recovery than i care to, a great read fo sho.
Today i had my first ice bath. it ws painful but definatly better than i thought it would be!
looking forward to the Australian regionals this weekend! Flying over thursday night and come back the sunday night. Goodluck to all the athletes, im gonna be there next year..
Saturday, 12 May 2012
Strongman Cert
Big thanks to the strongman seminar group and RealWorld crossfit for organising everything and for the great amount of effort needed to show us some strongman techniques. I learnt so much and had a blast. My aim is to become a serious strongman crossfit athlete, lift heavy things, odd objects reguarly and teach others how to do so too.
Friday, 11 May 2012
Flight KG100
It felt like the club lounge in the airport. You know the one where your Dad takes you as a kid.. up the escalator, open the glass doors to the front desk. A man with hair that looks too perfect to be natural, greets you with a friendly but artificial smile. Kids are frowned upon in this adult sanctuary. Only people with a herculean goal are allowed to be here to rest their weary heads. Walking past the desk and poking your head around the corner, you scope around the place. Everyone is either sitting down transitioning between their laptop and the lounge tv, or quietly shuffling to and from the buffet of fruit and coffee/tea.
They are all here for the same reason. Like their fellow travellers before them, they are in transition, somewhere between where they started and where they want to end up.
This place was built to comfort them during their limbo, and whilst they enjoy the temporary amusements the place offers, they long to leave this confined space. Images of a final destination swirl between thoughts. A place where their dreams become reality.
At the moment they are invisible. Nobody around them gives them a second glance. Of course, they all feel this way. They wonder when the day will come when others around them will give them the attention they so desperately crave. Deep down they yearn for it to happen. Their deepest fear is that the day will never arrive. They will move from airport lounge to airport lounge, and never arrive at the destination they seek. They will always be a stranger to everyone around them.
The announcement of flight KG140 is projected from the speaker. Their excitement sinks a little when they hear the flight number is not their own, and yet others stand up, grab their bags and head towards the glass doors. One step closer to their destination, wherever that may be.
Days, weeks, months go by. He has been waiting in that lounge almost a year and a half now. He has met many people during this time, some stay for a while and offer knowledge and company but eventually their number is called and they too must leave.
Hard work and perseverance is all he knows. Its all he thinks about. He keeps going through the daily grind, never letting it beat him down. He never thinks about quitting, only working harder, smarter. He knows this is the only way he will ever leave this damn lounge.
This particular evening was different. The announcer's voice can be heard over the lounge. "Ladies and Gentlemen, flight KG100 has begun boarding. Please make your way to gate 10 with your tickets ready, thankyou".
He looks down at his ticket. Flight KG100 is staring up at him. "Finally" he thinks to himself "Its taken far too long to board and others are much further ahead than me".
With that he grabs his bag, heading towards the glass doors that will take him down the escalator, on his way to the next airport lounge.
Clean and Jerk 100kg milestone.
Inspired by Jon North.
They are all here for the same reason. Like their fellow travellers before them, they are in transition, somewhere between where they started and where they want to end up.
This place was built to comfort them during their limbo, and whilst they enjoy the temporary amusements the place offers, they long to leave this confined space. Images of a final destination swirl between thoughts. A place where their dreams become reality.
At the moment they are invisible. Nobody around them gives them a second glance. Of course, they all feel this way. They wonder when the day will come when others around them will give them the attention they so desperately crave. Deep down they yearn for it to happen. Their deepest fear is that the day will never arrive. They will move from airport lounge to airport lounge, and never arrive at the destination they seek. They will always be a stranger to everyone around them.
The announcement of flight KG140 is projected from the speaker. Their excitement sinks a little when they hear the flight number is not their own, and yet others stand up, grab their bags and head towards the glass doors. One step closer to their destination, wherever that may be.
Days, weeks, months go by. He has been waiting in that lounge almost a year and a half now. He has met many people during this time, some stay for a while and offer knowledge and company but eventually their number is called and they too must leave.
Hard work and perseverance is all he knows. Its all he thinks about. He keeps going through the daily grind, never letting it beat him down. He never thinks about quitting, only working harder, smarter. He knows this is the only way he will ever leave this damn lounge.
This particular evening was different. The announcer's voice can be heard over the lounge. "Ladies and Gentlemen, flight KG100 has begun boarding. Please make your way to gate 10 with your tickets ready, thankyou".
He looks down at his ticket. Flight KG100 is staring up at him. "Finally" he thinks to himself "Its taken far too long to board and others are much further ahead than me".
With that he grabs his bag, heading towards the glass doors that will take him down the escalator, on his way to the next airport lounge.
Clean and Jerk 100kg milestone.
Inspired by Jon North.
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
weakness's to strengths!
5 rounds of
3rep deadlift
max hspu
rest as needed
1) 120kg/ 15hspu pr
2) 130kg/ 14
3) 140kg/ 13
4) 150kg/ 12
5) 152.5kg pr/ 10
Front squat 3 x 3
80/90/102.5kg pr
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 pull-ups
do 3 front squats between each set 80kg
5 rounds of
3rep deadlift
max hspu
rest as needed
1) 120kg/ 15hspu pr
2) 130kg/ 14
3) 140kg/ 13
4) 150kg/ 12
5) 152.5kg pr/ 10
Front squat 3 x 3
80/90/102.5kg pr
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 pull-ups
do 3 front squats between each set 80kg
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
Snatch PR
warmup- bb complex
3x 3x2hang snatch/overhead squat 40/45/50kg
4x 3 power snatch 40/45/50/55kg
3x 2 snatch balance 45/50/55kg
2x 2 snatch pull 100kg
5x 1 snatch 70/75/77.5(f)/77.5kg pr/80(f)
3x 3x2hang snatch/overhead squat 40/45/50kg
4x 3 power snatch 40/45/50/55kg
3x 2 snatch balance 45/50/55kg
2x 2 snatch pull 100kg
5x 1 snatch 70/75/77.5(f)/77.5kg pr/80(f)
Saturday, 5 May 2012
wod team championships
here's a link to my teammate jac's post on the team wod championships! Was a great experience and she captures the day extremely well in her reflection. Good times all round!
here's a link to my teammate jac's post on the team wod championships! Was a great experience and she captures the day extremely well in her reflection. Good times all round!
Friday, 4 May 2012
C+J training week 3
4 sets 4x hang clean to push press (60/65/70/70kg)
3 sets 1x power clean then 3x front squat (50kg)
3x3 power clean and jerk/ hang clean and jerk (50kg)
3x2 clean pulls (100/120/120kg)
2 rep clean and jerk (50/60/70/75kg)
stayed light as i had a team comp the next day which included 3 wods, next week is the final week where im planning on going as heavy as possible and trying to get some pr's on both the snatch and C+J. Going to aim for 80kg and 100kg respectively. I want these heavier weights but if i dont get them i wont be discouraged, ill keep working on them always trying to get better. Im focusing on front squats and close grip bench in my next strength phase which will hopefully transfer to my clean and jerk!
3 sets 1x power clean then 3x front squat (50kg)
3x3 power clean and jerk/ hang clean and jerk (50kg)
3x2 clean pulls (100/120/120kg)
2 rep clean and jerk (50/60/70/75kg)
stayed light as i had a team comp the next day which included 3 wods, next week is the final week where im planning on going as heavy as possible and trying to get some pr's on both the snatch and C+J. Going to aim for 80kg and 100kg respectively. I want these heavier weights but if i dont get them i wont be discouraged, ill keep working on them always trying to get better. Im focusing on front squats and close grip bench in my next strength phase which will hopefully transfer to my clean and jerk!
Thursday, 3 May 2012
1rm Back squat
5x1 Low bar Back squat
120/125/130/132.5 pr/135kg pr
OHS 30kg
5x1 Low bar Back squat
120/125/130/132.5 pr/135kg pr
OHS 30kg
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
gymnastic strength
gymnastics class
strength wod:
2 rounds of
30 pushups
1 legless rope climb
10 V-ups
10 pullups
10 chin ups
then practice:
swings on P-bars
mushroom circles (one)
backward rolls
strength wod:
2 rounds of
30 pushups
1 legless rope climb
10 V-ups
10 pullups
10 chin ups
then practice:
swings on P-bars
mushroom circles (one)
backward rolls
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
snatch week 3
3 rounds
1 min pull-ups
1 min DB ground to overhead 6kg each
1 min double-unders
1 min hand release push-ups
1 min ab mat sit-ups
1 min rest
Score = 411
then 600m run= 2:17
wod#2 snatch training
warmup- bb complex
5x 3 hang snatch (30/35/40/45/50kg)
5x 1 power snatch to 5 OHS (40/40/45/45/50kg)
3x 3 reps of 1x power snatch/ 1x hang snatch/ 1x OHS (40/45/50kg)
4x 2 snatch grip deadlift (60/70/80/90kg)
5x 2 snatch (50/55/60/65/65kg)
3 rounds
1 min pull-ups
1 min DB ground to overhead 6kg each
1 min double-unders
1 min hand release push-ups
1 min ab mat sit-ups
1 min rest
Score = 411
then 600m run= 2:17
wod#2 snatch training
warmup- bb complex
5x 3 hang snatch (30/35/40/45/50kg)
5x 1 power snatch to 5 OHS (40/40/45/45/50kg)
3x 3 reps of 1x power snatch/ 1x hang snatch/ 1x OHS (40/45/50kg)
4x 2 snatch grip deadlift (60/70/80/90kg)
5x 2 snatch (50/55/60/65/65kg)
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