Saturday 16 January 2016

Mobility, Back tucks and Parkour

am session:
Mobility! i've been stretching my lats out everyday and have included it into my warmup. I never realized how tight they were and how much this impacted my overhead reach/handstand line.. i've already started to feel better overhead mobility after only a week or so of stretching them.
I also stretch my anterior chain this morning, as i have been doing a lot of posterior chain mobility lately. My hip flexors, quads are super tight and i need to work on them for my bridge..

-lat stretch
-kneeling quad stretch (touch head to ground and back up)
-bridge work
-some ground flow with cross legged tuck throughs

Pm Session:
This was one of the best sessions I have ever had.
I got to the gym around 8pm and was pretty tired so downed a cold brew coffee and a paleo bar as i knew i needed to perk up if i was to get the most out of the session. It closes at 9pm so i had 1 hour to train.
I warmed up with 20 mins of parkour. practiced precision jumps, kongs, wall spins on the 45 degree wall and some other new stuff.
I then went to the mat, warmed up with backward rolls. some jump tucks and spotted back tucks.
Emom 30 mins: 1 back tuck
The whole idea was to get some good volume in and lose my fear over back tucks which can be scary.

-Parkour practice
-1 back tuck EMOM for 30 mins

Wednesday 10 October 2012

wednesday 10th oct

18-15-12 power snatch @ 45kg
36-30-24 double unders

3x8 one arm kb row @ 32kg
ring row full body weight
strict pullups on rope 2x6
tabata ring row

10 mins to find 1rm bear complex = 95kg

15 bear complex's @ 70kg = 11:20

2x max muscle ups with 4kg vest = 5+4

Tuesday 9 October 2012

tuesday 9th oct

500m row
40 box jumps 28"
30 double-unders
20 pull-ups
30 burpees
40 abmat sit-ups
2 min rest, then repeat

Monday 8 October 2012

monday 8th oct

Unstable BenchWork up to a 1RM - Demo Vid = 97.5kg (77.5kg barbell+2x10kg kb's)
Strict Press
1 x 17reps @ 35kg
1 x 18reps @ 35kg

work up to heavy '3 position c+j' = 80/85/90/95kg
work up to 3rm hbbs = 135kg pr
work up to 1rm hbbs = 140kg pr

Saturday 6 October 2012

saturday 6th oct

Dips3 sets of:
3 Weighted Dips 28kg
3 Strict Dips
Max kipping Dips = 7,6,4
Each set is one giant set, meaning you will perform all the weighted, strict and kipping as one big set. Here what it should look like; Complete the weighted dips with a dumbbell between your legs. After your 3 weighted dips drop the weight without coming off the rings and continue with the strict dips. Then without coming off the rings do a max set of kipping dips. That is set one.
You choose the weight. Rest as needed between sets.

Pull ups
3 sets of:
3 Weighted Pull ups 20kg
3 Strict Pull ups
Max kipping Pull ups = 15,21,22
Same protocol as the dips. 
work up to heavy snatch = 75kg
work up to heavy c+j = 90kg
work up to heavy clean = 100kg
3x6 front squat = 90,95,100kg pr

Friday 5 October 2012

friday 5th oct

WOD#15 rounds -
10 ring push-ups
150m run
12 jump squats
150m run

WOD#2 strength:
Clean and Jerk6 x 2 at 65kg, OTM

Box Squat Jumps
8 x 2   Demo Vid.

Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats
2 x 8 ea/side with 16kg kb's

Work up to 5rm bench press
70/80/85/87.5/90kg pr

Thursday 4 October 2012

october 4th

Tabata plank with feet in rings

Deadlifts 100kg
Ring dips