Monday, 19 December 2011

deadlifts/handstand walking

wod#1: deadlift
3 reps of 75% of 1rm (1rm is 150kg) = 112.5kg
3 reps of 80% of 1rm = 120kg
amrap of 85% of 1rm = 13reps @ 127.5kg
4x8 eccentric lower from kneeling position
4x8 hip thruster 60kg
4x8 reverse hyper bodyweight

100m handstand walk for time

whole body is sore from today.. whole posterior chain is lit up after the deads, but it was the handstand walk which was one of the hardest things ive ever done. It just took so long.. didnt expect it to take that long but it was on soft grass which was unstable and it was real windy at the park, none the less i did it and am definatly better at handstands now.

1 comment:

  1. wow... wouldn't have thought a handstand walk would take that long... will have to give it a try sometime once I figure out how far 100m is... hah. Nice work!
