Thursday, 1 December 2011

tabata super slow 1rep

wod # 1:
hang power snatch
hang power clean

wod # 2:
tabata super slow squat 35kg
tabata super slow ring dip
tabata super slow deadlift 70kg
tabata super slow pullup
1min max 30kg bench press=44reps
3 skin the cats

wod # 3:
5 SDHP 50kg
20 KB swings 24kg
10 cleans 50kg
20 KB swings
15 snatches 50kg
20 KB swings
10 cleans 50kg
20 KB swings
5 SDHP 50kg
500m row, 400m run

felt so sluggish after this morning strength wod, and my last 2 wod's reflected this. Had no energy on wod 3, but enjoyed the variation with wod 2! What we did was a tabata, however during the 20seconds we only did 1 rep, as slow as possible then rested 10 seconds. this became super hard on the dip, pullup and the deadlift but not so much the squat.. the point of this was to build strength through the movement and make it a more isometric workout, focusing on good technique and pure strength to hold that good position over 20 seconds (10 seconds down, 10 seconds up) really enjoyed the variation, thats what crossfit's all about!
gonna be sore tomorrow..

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