Wednesday, 10 October 2012

wednesday 10th oct

18-15-12 power snatch @ 45kg
36-30-24 double unders

3x8 one arm kb row @ 32kg
ring row full body weight
strict pullups on rope 2x6
tabata ring row

10 mins to find 1rm bear complex = 95kg

15 bear complex's @ 70kg = 11:20

2x max muscle ups with 4kg vest = 5+4

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

tuesday 9th oct

500m row
40 box jumps 28"
30 double-unders
20 pull-ups
30 burpees
40 abmat sit-ups
2 min rest, then repeat

Monday, 8 October 2012

monday 8th oct

Unstable BenchWork up to a 1RM - Demo Vid = 97.5kg (77.5kg barbell+2x10kg kb's)
Strict Press
1 x 17reps @ 35kg
1 x 18reps @ 35kg

work up to heavy '3 position c+j' = 80/85/90/95kg
work up to 3rm hbbs = 135kg pr
work up to 1rm hbbs = 140kg pr

Saturday, 6 October 2012

saturday 6th oct

Dips3 sets of:
3 Weighted Dips 28kg
3 Strict Dips
Max kipping Dips = 7,6,4
Each set is one giant set, meaning you will perform all the weighted, strict and kipping as one big set. Here what it should look like; Complete the weighted dips with a dumbbell between your legs. After your 3 weighted dips drop the weight without coming off the rings and continue with the strict dips. Then without coming off the rings do a max set of kipping dips. That is set one.
You choose the weight. Rest as needed between sets.

Pull ups
3 sets of:
3 Weighted Pull ups 20kg
3 Strict Pull ups
Max kipping Pull ups = 15,21,22
Same protocol as the dips. 
work up to heavy snatch = 75kg
work up to heavy c+j = 90kg
work up to heavy clean = 100kg
3x6 front squat = 90,95,100kg pr

Friday, 5 October 2012

friday 5th oct

WOD#15 rounds -
10 ring push-ups
150m run
12 jump squats
150m run

WOD#2 strength:
Clean and Jerk6 x 2 at 65kg, OTM

Box Squat Jumps
8 x 2   Demo Vid.

Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats
2 x 8 ea/side with 16kg kb's

Work up to 5rm bench press
70/80/85/87.5/90kg pr

Thursday, 4 October 2012

october 4th

Tabata plank with feet in rings

Deadlifts 100kg
Ring dips

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

wednesday 3rd oct

7 rounds:
7 pull-ups
7 power cleans 60kg
7 shoulder to overhead 60kg

for time:
7 bar muscle-ups
7 back squats 80kg (clean from ground)
6 bar muscle-ups
7 back squats
5 bar muscle-ups
7 back squats... ect (down to 1)

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

october 2nd

work up to 5rm bench = 70/75/80/85/87.5x4

Knees to elbows
Burpee box jumps 28"
Hand-release push-ups
KB thrusters 20kgx2
Abmat Sit-ups

Monday, 1 October 2012

october 1st

1) 7X2 Hang Cleans + 1 Push Jerk, rest 60 sec. 80kg/85/90/92.5/95/97.5(fail jerk)/97.5(fail 2nd HC)
2a) 3X5 Pendlay Row @ 70kg, rest 60 sec. DEMO VIDEO
2b) 3X5 Split Press @ 50kg, rest 60 sec. DEMO VIDEO
3) work up to max push press= 82.5kg pr

7 Push Press 75kg
14 Lateral Box Jumps 24″
21 T2B
7 Push Jerks 75kg
14 Lateral Box Jumps 24″
21 T2B
7 Split Jerks 75kg
14 Lateral Box Jumps 24″
21 T2B

tabata row = 783 meters

Sunday, 30 September 2012

sunday 30th september

1) 20 minutes to establish a 1RM Snatch. = 75kg
2) 3x3 snatch pulls @ 60kg/70/80
3) 20 minutes to establish a 1RM Clean and Jerk. = 85kg
1 and 1/4 Front Squat: 1X5 @ 80kg, 2X5 @ 85kg, 1X3 @ 90kg, 1X3 @ 95kg – rest as needed.
9-7-5 of:
Squat Snatches 60kg
time= 10:38 pr

Saturday, 29 September 2012

saturday 29th september

outlaw conditioning
4 rounds of
7 bench press @ 65kg
500m row
rest 1:1

total working time=9:35
1) 2:26
2) 2:25
3) 2:23
4) 2:21

Friday, 28 September 2012

friday 28th september

4x3 clean pull @ 121kg
3x5 strict press @ 50kg
3x3 box jump 32"

3 rounds of
6x15m shuttle run with 20kg sandbag
10 burpess
10 box jumps 24"

warmup-row 1km
work up to 2rm rack pull from knees = 200kg
deficit deadlifts (standing on 20kg plate)
100kg x7
120kg x7
140kg x7
150kg x7
160kg x3
goodmornings 3x8 @ 40/60/60kg
Romanian deadlift 3x8 @ 100kg
barbell hip extension 2x8 @ 100kg
2x500m row

e.m.o.m-5 strict hspu until failure
total=14rds 2 reps (72 reps)

Thursday, 27 September 2012

thursday 27th september

work up to heavy 3 position snatch = 60kg
work up to heavy hang squat snatch = 70kg
work up to a heavy hang power clean/power jerk = 90kg

'2012 cf games chipper' (scaled)
10 overhead squats @ 60kg
10 box jump overs 24"
10 fat bar thrusters @ 60kg
10 power cleans @ 80kg
10 toes to bar
10 burpee muscle ups

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

wednesday 26th september

100 L-Sit Pullups for time

metcon:4 rounds -
15 KB swings @ 36kg
10 front squats with 2x18kg kb's
5 strict presses with 2x18kg kb's

Shout out to Jac for counting and pushing me though those 100 reps! wouldnt have made it under 15mins without yah thats for sure! Thanks heaps =)

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

tuesday 25th september

3-3-3 back squats @ 125kg (rest 3 mins)
10 min AMRAP -
30 double-unders
20 thrusters with an empty bar (20kg)
10 burpee bar hops
total=4rds 39 reps

3x5 bench press @ 80kg/83.5/85x4
3x10 front squat @ 85kg/85x9/85x9

e.m.o.m 10
1 clean and jerk

Monday, 24 September 2012

monday 24th september

1 hour to work up to max snatch =75kg (almost 82.5kg)

12 min AMRAP -
9 snatches
6 pull-ups
100m run

work up to a 5rm power clean = 90kg pr
work up to a 5rm strict press = 55kg pr

Sunday, 23 September 2012

sunday 23rd september

wod#1 in morning:
active recovery swimming for 1 hour

wod#2 in afternoon:
e.m.o.m 5 hspu
total=6rds 2 reps

Friday, 21 September 2012

pr clean


2x5 hang squat snatch @ 60kg
10 mins to find 1rm clean = 110kg pr

amrap 8
1 squat clean @ 82.5kg
5 toes to bar
2 squat cleans
5 toes to bar
3 squat cleans
5 toes to bar...
total= 6/3

Thursday, 20 September 2012

turkish getup complex


20mins to work up to heaviest:
 Turkish Get Up
 1 arm overhead squat
 1 arm press
 Turkish Get Down
max=32kg (both arms)

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

heavier mainsite wod

5 rounds for time
15 front rack lunges @ 60kg
30 double unders
time= 8:43

Tuesday, 18 September 2012


amrap 4
2 deadlifts 140kg
2 bar muscle ups
total=6 rounds

rest 4 mins

amrap 4
2 front squats 100kg
2 parallette hspu

rest 6 mins

amrap 6
20 meter partner carry

work up to heavy squat snatch = 70kg (felt super easy)
3x3 hbbs @ 120kg

Monday, 17 September 2012

Sunday, 16 September 2012

sunday emom hspu

emom: 4 hspu
total= 14 rounds 3 reps (59 reps)

then after 30 mins rest
emom: 5 hspu
total= 5 rounds 2 reps (27 reps)

goal is to get 10 reps emom for 10 mins

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Whole Life Challenge Wod

amrap 9
7 kb swings @ 24kg
7 burpees
50 meter shuttle run
total= 10 rds 4reps

will repeat this wod in 2 months at the end of the challenge. I have been doing pretty well thus far, only giving up 2 points in one day due to bacon for breakfast (so worth it) and a protein shake for dinner which i truly felt i needed. Not the worst things i could eat.. Otherwise im not eating any sugar or grains and am not really missing them. The things i am missing are coffee (cant drink black), milk, whey protein, bacon. Will find substitutes for these things tho im sure.
Will aim for 11+ rounds next time..

Friday, 14 September 2012


8 rounds of emom:
1st minute 1 legless rope climb 10ft
2nd minute 3 reps of bear complex 70kg
3rd minute 5 ring dips

5-5-5-5-5 hbbs @ 110kg (rest 3 mins)
work up to 1rm box bench press (box causes bar to rest 1inch off chest, creating no elastic effect)
90kg (fail)
90kg (fail)

Thursday, 13 September 2012

amrap 20

amrap 20
2,4,6,8...ect kb swings 24kg
2,4,6,8...ect air squats
7 box jumps

Wednesday, 12 September 2012


work up to 3rm 'touch n go' power clean+power jerk

30 clean + jerks @ 60kg = 2:52 pr

'Crossfit Total'
1rm press = 60kg pr
1rm back squat = 145kg pr
1rm deadlift = 180kg pr
total = 385kg pr

Monday, 10 September 2012

10th september

work up to 3rm front squat
60kg/80/100/107.5/112.5 pr/115x2 pr/115x2

work up to 10rm push press
40kg/50kg/60kg/70kg pr/72.5x8

20 mins of circuit training (1min stations)

work up to max power snatch
40kg/50/60/65/67.5/70/72.5 pr (bw power snatch!)

Sunday, 9 September 2012



"the man test"
(broke this into sets until finished)

4x 50m sprints rest 1:1

ring hspu practice

Saturday, 8 September 2012

mobility sesh


spent a good part of an hour rolling out and stretching. the clip above was a nifty one for me that i found to be very helpful, also did alot of shoulder internal rotation and extension stretches with the bands. Im focusing on mobility alot now, trying to do it at least 10 mins a day (W.L.C) and for a whole hour every weekend.

Friday, 7 September 2012

walking lunges


5rm deadlift - 60/80/120/140/160x3

glute raises x 10reps - 60/80/100kg

find my 10rm walking lunge (5 each leg) - 80/100/110kg pr

Thursday, 6 September 2012

pause front squats

5x3 front squat (3sec pause at bottom)

1) 80kg
2) 85kg
3) 90kg
4) 95kg
5) 100kg x2

Monday, 3 September 2012


wod#1 'Fran'
thrusters 45kg
time= 4:30

work up to a couple sets of heavy box squats
3x8 Low bar back squats @ 120kg

Fran was miserable right afterwards. I had to lay down outside in the carpark for about 15 mins and was on the verge of yacking a couple times. I wanted to get sub 4 mins so bad but just didnt have it in me today. My previous pr was 4:13 with 43kg which was a few months ago. This time i had in mind to go unbroken which i have never been able to do. I started off with 20 thrusters unbroken but on the last rep my elbows dropped and i lost the bar infront, it didnt affect me much though and picked it straight back up to finish the last rep of 21. My 21 pullups went unbroken, The set of 15 thrusters i had to break up 3x5, and for pullups 9 and 6reps. The last set of thrusters went 5 and 4 but my grip was so shot that my pullups were 5,2,2.
My pr fran was unbroken pullups so i know this time i had a higher intensity and the thrusters were better so im confident next fran can be sub 4..
Wod 2 was just abit of fun. I like to lift heavy and havnt tried box squats a whole lot.. I started by using a 20" box but it was above parallel and i was easily sets of 140kg+  (which is above my max squat atm) however as i dropped down to a smaller box these got WAY harder. The sets of eight were decent. I hardly ever go beyond 5 reps and if i do, its usually for 20 or more so this was fun and happy with the weight as 120kg was my 5rep max a few months ago!

Saturday, 1 September 2012

1st september

warmup- row 750m, 20 mins of shoulder mobilization (Ben Bergeron's bulletproof shoulder's)

work up to max cean and jerk = 103kg pr
work up to max clean = 105kg (so close to 108kg)

metcon: 'cf open 11.3'
amrap 5 of
75kg squat clean and jerk
total=13reps pr

partner wod:
between me and jack: (one rests while other works, alt rounds)
30 rounds of
5 wallballs 9kg to 11ft
3 strict pullups
1 front squat @ 100kg

150 pistols for time (alternate feet)

Friday, 31 August 2012

rest day

10 rounds of rowing
30 secs on/30 secs off

15 mins mobilizing shoulders

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Thursday 30th August

10 mins to work up to heavy: power clean, power jerk, split jerk complex = 90kg

5 rounds for time of:
5 clean and jerk 70kg
10 chest to bar pullups
time= 7:46

emom for
4 mins- 5 power cleans @ 80kg
4 mins- 3 power cleans @ 90kg
4 mins- 1 power clean  @ 95kg

Wednesday, 29 August 2012


8 mins to find 2rm turkish getup = 32kg right hand, 24kg left (recovery)

400m run
15 OHS 45kg
time= 15: 49 pr

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

tuesday 28th August

work up to 5rm floor press = 80kg
5xME weighted ring dips @ 20kg (2mins rest) = 5/8/6/6/5reps


muscle ups
box jumps 40"

Monday, 27 August 2012

monday 27th August

5-5-5-5-5 Push press
40kg/60/70/80pr/85 (f)

Front squat 80kg
Toes to bar

15 mins to work up to max:
power clean, power jerk, split jerk = 90kg

Saturday, 25 August 2012

saturday 25th august

1-1-1-1-1 pause back squat (3 second pause at bottom)

5-5-5-5-5 sitting down strict press

metcon: "elizabeth"
squat clean 60kg
ring dips
time=10:32 pr

amrap rounds of
emom 3 strict hspu
total=13/1 (40reps)

thursday 23rd august

wod#1 'cooee wod'
KB swings 40kg
300m run / tyre-box jumps

Rest 3 mins, then

KB snatches 32/24kg
300m run / tyre-box jumps

emom back squats
min 1-5 3reps @ 100kg
min 5-10 2 reps @ 110kg
min 10-15 1 rep @ 120kg

30 mins of snatch technique (worked up to medium weight)

Friday, 24 August 2012

pr clean and thruster


work up to max snatch = 70kg (failed so many times, so annoying)
work up to max thruster = 85kg pr
work up to max clean = 105kg pr

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

1rm deadlift

clean complex: (heaviest possible)
1 deadlift, 1 hang squat clean, 1 squat clean

9-15-21 deadlifts @ 107.5kg
18-30-41 pistols

work up to 1rm deadlift
100kg/140/150/160/170kg pr

Finally feel like my traps have loosened up and shoulder is freely moving around! felt amazing to not be injured and was so excited to wod up this morning. didnt go overhead and probably wont till next week just to be sure. The 1rm deadlift felt easy, a 5kg pr. so did the clean complex, im looking forward to doing some max clean attempts soon. Have a feeling i can clean 110kg which i would be so stoked with!  all the front squat work ect.. the metcon was fun, could have pushed abit harder but went abit easier for first wod back in awhile. Happy days

Monday, 20 August 2012

1rm front squat

work up to 5rm hbbs = 125kg pr

wod#2 (5 hours after wod#1)
work up to 1rm front squat = 125kg pr

Sunday, 19 August 2012

thursday 16th august

work up to 3rm hbbs = 130kg pr
work up to 2rm front squat= 110kg (almost made 115kg)

My shoulder is still giving me grief. Its been almost 2 months and im itching to do more wods. Im trying my hardest to be patient and have been doing these squatting sessions for the last month with no other movements that may aggrevate the problem. Lots of mobility wod stuff with the trigger point ball, trying to loosen up my traps which i feel is the main problem. Hopefully get things under control real soon and can continue training for regionals.

Monday, 13 August 2012

20rm back squat death

3x5 Low bar back squats @ 130kg pr (3 min rest between)
20rep back squat @ 100kg pr

rowing intervals
1min row/1min rest = (263m @ 1:54/500m @ 25s/m)
2min row/2min rest = (533m @ 1:52.5/500m @ 24s/m)
3min row/3min rest = (751m @ 1:59.8/500m @ 23s/m)
4min row/4min rest = (1000m @ 2:00/500m @ 23s/m)
3min row/3min rest = (760m @ 1:58.4/500m @ 24s/m)
2min row/2min rest = (512m @ 1:57.1/500m @ 25s/m)
1min row = (289m @ 1:43.8/500m @ 31s/m)

total rowing average = 16mins (4109m @ 1:56.8/500m @ 25s/m)

Saturday, 11 August 2012

back to training

work up to 5rm front squat = 100kg pr
work up to 3rm front squat = 110kg pr
work up to max front squat = 120kg
every 2 mins for 10mins:
2 hbbs @ 120kg

Monday, 6 August 2012

clean complex

3-3-3-3-3 HBBS
100/110/120/125/127.5kg pr

clean off blocks at high hips

"3rep clean complex"
work up to max weight for:
squat clean/hang squat clean/front squat

Friday, 3 August 2012

max back/front squat


work up to max High Bar BS-
135x1 pr

work up to max Front squat-
120x1 (7.5kg pr)

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

August 1st

one legged deadlift x5reps = 20/40/60/80kg (90kg right leg)

10 deadlifts 130kg
20 ring rows
30 jump squats
40 abmat situps
50 wallballs
40 abmat situps
30 jump squats
20 ring rows
10 deadlifts 130kg

-hip flexor mobility

Monday, 30 July 2012


5x5 High bar back squat = 100kg/110/120/120/120x3
3x10 barbell step-ups on 20" box 60kg

3 rounds of
500m row
12 bodyweight deadlifts
21 box jumps 24"

Saturday, 28 July 2012

back squats and deadlifts

work up to 2rm High Bar Back Squat (hbbs), then decrease by 5% every 30 secs for 5 sets
100kg, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130kg pr, 123.5, 117.5kg, 110kg, 102.5kg

regional wod 11.3
deadlift 143kg
box jump 30"

Got to 10 reps on the 15 deadlifts. Started to get some pain in left glute and decided to call it quits. Was already at 15mins, the deadlifts were super heavy for me and is something i must work on for regionals next year.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

max testing

3km row =12:11.1

500m row for time =1:35.9 pr
max pistols on each leg =27 left leg/30 right leg
max swings with 40kg kb =20reps
max double unders =146 pr
100 abmat situps for time =3:14

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

tuesday 24th july

work up to 1rm deadlift=160kg

3 rounds
3 cleans 60kg
6 hang cleans
9 push presses
12 strict pull-ups

extra- max ring dips=21

Monday, 23 July 2012

monday 23rd july

3x5 high bar back squat @ 115kg pr
3x5 front squat @ 92.5kg/95kg pr/ 100kgx4
5x3 power clean @ 93.5kg pr

Saturday, 21 July 2012

saturday 21st july

strength: work up to
3rm overhead squat=90kg pr
1rm overhead squat=102.5kg pr
max bodyweight ohs=6reps

Friday, 20 July 2012

friday 20th july

strength: 'linear crossfit football'
backsquat 130kg x3, x1, (fail)

10 rounds of
10 kb swings
10 squat to kb
100m run

Thursday, 19 July 2012


strongman wod: with my brother (one works while other rests)
amrap 6
2 deadlifts at 140kg
2 box jumps at 36"

5 rounds of
5 floor press 80kg
5 power cleans 80kg
rest 2 mins between rounds

kb snatch practice.
amrap 5
1 kb clean, 2 press, 3 front squats, 4 thrusters @ 20kg
alternate arm
total=6 rounds
32kg kb swing x 32 reps

kb test:
36kg kb swing x 36 reps
also trukish getup 36kg kb both arms (pr)

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

wednesday 18th july

500m row
21 p-bar dips
500m row
15 dips
500m row
9 dips

7x1 snatch from blocks (just below knee)

3 stop snatch pull 60/80/80/90kg
work up to 3rm power snatch 67.5kg pr
e.m.o.m for 10min- 3 power snatch @ 65kg

5x3 front squat with 3 second pause at bottom

5 rounds of
3 squat clean 90kg
10 toes to bar
30 double unders

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

2km row

5x5 bent over bb row @ bodyweight
rest 3 mins between sets
an easy 2km row=8:12.7 pr

Went for an easy 2km row, more for active recovery than anything.. keeping just above 2:00/500m. Surprisingly this is the first time i can recall actually doing a 2km row. At least for the last year or more.. There you go. Proof that we subconsciously (or consciously) program what we enjoy and ignore what we dislike. Going to start rowing alot more.

Monday, 16 July 2012


wod#1 'crossfit football linear squat'
3x5reps of 127.5kg back squat
rest 4 mins between sets
5x3reps of deadlift- 100kg/120/140/160/167.5(f)
rest 4 mins between sets

wod#2 'death by cleans'
complete one clean in 30 seconds
every 30 seconds add another clean. (eg 1,2,3ect)
total=9 rounds

e.m.o.m for 10mins:
3 clean and jerks @ 80kg

Friday, 13 July 2012


Strength: 3x5 rep wobbly bar presses 50kg

2 rounds -
50 sit-ups
100 single-unders
300m run
10 burpees
20 push-ups
30 KB swings @ 40kg

work up to max bench press=100kg
100kg back squat max rep attempt=13reps
e.m.o.m for 10mins
3 back squats @ 100kg
3 hspu (only did hspu for 5mins)

Thursday, 12 July 2012

1 month update

Haven't posted for a month. I want to start posting again so here is an update and will list a few highlights from the past month.

  • 3rm deadlift 165kg
  • 80kg snatch
  • 100kg power clean/power jerk
  • Isabel 3:32 rx
  • 1rm front squat 112.5kg
  • 5rm back squat 125kg
  • Linda 26:00 rx
  • 139 double unders
  • 3rm push press 80kg
  • 3rm strict press 57.5kg
  • 5rm power clean and jerk 80kg
  • 3rm bench press 95kg
It is funny looking at it all in one go instead of writing it down everyday, it is actually alot of improvement in just one month. This is just what i can remember, there are a few others and alot of other training and wods i have not written down.
I finished a disappointing 41st place in the primal throwdown 2012. I have taken it as a learning experience and will be working on my weakness's as always, ready for next year!

Friday, 15 June 2012


wod#1 'crossfit mainsite' 120612
For time:
Run 1600 meters
150 Double-unders
50 Burpees
Run 800 meters
100 Double-unders
35 Burpees
Run 400 meters
50 Double-unders
20 Burpees

power clean technique practice
3x5 low bar back squats
120kg pr/120/120x2

wod#3 'primal training wod'
9 Hang Power clean 60kg
6 kb snatch 32kg
3 thrusters 60kg
total=4/1 (73reps)

Wednesday, 13 June 2012


wod#1 "fran"
thrusters 43.5kg
time=4:13 pr

5x5 deadlift
100/120/140/150/155kg pr

oly lift: 3 position power snatch (mid-thigh/knee/ floor)

5 rds of
5 hang power snatch 50kg
10 overhead lunge 50kg
15 jump squats

A great day today. Felt really good during the wods and smashed my old 'fran' time by 2:30! now its finally down to a half-decent time.. next im looking to get under 3mins. i think if i can go unbroken, then thats a possibility. Pullups were all unbroken, however the thrusters had to break up 11-10, 5-5-5, 5-4. So heaps of room for improvement in regards to those. Having said that i feel all the bench pressing and squats made the thrusters seem much lighter and didnt tax me like before. Im getting fitter! woohoo! My ultimate goal is a sub 2 fran (twice as fit?) which may take years but at least im one step closer.
Strength training is going well. 5x5 deadlifts finished with a 5kg pr and there is loads of room for more. Just keep doing what im doing and be patient/consistent. Wod#3 was fun. I love snatches and the 3 position snatch ive seen from outlaw is a great way to be consistent with form from multiple positions and work on power through hip extension. More of these in the future and loads more wods/strength will be inspired from 'Outlaw', hence the link above.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

100kg bench

practice clean technique off blocks (just above knees)
work up to 1rm bench=100kg pr
6 sets of amrap bench press @75kg

5x3 skin the cat
3x5 push press=70kg/75kg pr/80x3 pr

amrap 7
30 double unders
10 one arm kb push press 20kg
10 kb pushup
30 meter farmer carry 20kg each hand

The following is a blog written by olympic lifter Jon North. I have been reading his blog for a while now. Not only is his writing unbelievably good, his tips on the oly lifts have done great things for my technique and efficiency in the movements. This one was recently put up by Jon, going into the details of the clean and more specifically, being able to make explosive extension either via straight or a slight bend in the arms.. Its a controversial weightlifting topic but im going to try it out and see if it might suit me and help me to get a better clean.

Row Your Boat:

I am a big believer in the arm bend. I call it “rowing the boat". Here are a few reasons why bending your arms will help you lift big weights: First of all, rowing the bar into your hips creates much more force and explosion at the finish of the pull. Secondly it tightens up that superman pull, allowing you to stay in better positions. It also allows you to stay over the bar much longer. If your hips hurt from striking the bar low on your hip, then the arm bend will help you clear the “ouch bone”! If you need more bar speed in your lifts, then please go to the store and buy some arm bend, because it will put the bar in 6th gear!

As the bar gets closer to the hips, the bend in your arms should slightly increase. Once the superman pull is over and he has stopped fighting crime, it’s time to row your boat to the finish line! How hard you row the bar into your hips determines how much hang-time the bar will have in order for you to get under and win the Olympics!

Every athlete will be different. Some will do better with straighter arms, and some will do better with more arm bend like myself. I hope this helps some people, I know this has helped many of my athletes, including myself. Do what works for you.

Attitude Nation Salute! Arm Bend 2012

Monday, 11 June 2012

Monday 11th June

3x5 high bar back squat
112.5kg x 3
112.5kg x 5
112.5kg x5reps

Snatch skills:Snatch grip deadlift
Snatch pull
Hang snatch
Snatch balance
Snatch drop
Squat snatch 60kg x 3
For quality!

1000m row
25 pistols
15 hang clean 80kg

Following a linear progression back squat, like the one on crossfit football. High Bar because it translates to front squats and olympic lifting which will be better for the upcoming competition. Will swap to Low Bar after the competiton.
Wod #2 was just time to focus on technique with pvc pipe. The box is going to focus alot more on oly lifting like the outlaw way which will be great and im very confident will result in badass atheletes in our box.
Wod #3 was a bastardised version of the regionals wod 2. Half the reps and both Jac and myself had to scale the weight which i was reluctant to do at the start because i think im stronger than i really am. (gotta check my ego at the door). Jac was awesome in pushing me at the end to finish the last 5 reps off instead of walking away from the bar, she beat me by a minute and is quickly turning into a badass of her own!

Kayla in the middle with awesome hip extension in the snatch

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Sunday fun wods

beach sprints
5 x
10 second sprint
50 second rest
2 rounds
30 seconds on/ 30 seconds rest
L-sit hold
strict pullups
tabata pistols

wod#2 (as a team)
Staggered start
3 rounds
Hill sprint (tags second person)
KB snatch's (16kg)
squat/med ball toss (7kg uphill)

3 rounds
swim as far underwater as you could then sprint to other side (33m pool)
wall walk across ledge
swim back to other side
wall walk across ledge

partner wod:
5 rds of 1 person works/other rests
5 hspu
5 front squat 60kg
10 toes to rings
5 hang squat clean thrusters with 12kg db
20 double unders

Super Fun day of chilled wod's with good people! We all agreed how good it would be being a proffesional crossfitter. Spent the whole day looking for places to workout and had the best time doing it!
Jac's account of the day:

Friday, 8 June 2012

Primal Throwdown training session 3

5x5 strict press
e.m.o.m bench 2 reps, start with 60kg and increase weight by 5kg every minute until failure, then come back down)
60kg-65-70-75-80-85-90x1-85-80-75-70-65-finish with amrap 60kg (15 reps)

'Primal training sesh 3' (mix between 'hope' and 'FBG')

3rds of
1 minute:
Power Snatch 35kg
box Jumps 28"
Wall Balls 9kg to 11ft
CTB Pull-ups
Row for calories
rest 1 min


Thursday, 7 June 2012

"Holy Trinity"

Power snatch (40/60kg)
(cut-off 15:00)

Didnt finish this wod in time. Extremely dissapointed as i had chosen this wod and was so sure i could do it. I love all the movements and have been working very hard on them. My lower back was pretty wrecked from the day before and it was hard to continue to snatch after the frist round. The clock finished when i was 3 thrusters through on my set of 9.. Gonna try this again with a fresh back and im sure i will be able to finish in a reasonable time.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

wednesday 6th June

high bar back squat 3x5

work up to 3rm weighted p-bar dip=44kg
WOD #3
6 mins – run 100m on the minute, in the remaining time push press 60kg
Score = 41 push press
WOD #4:
12 mins – Death by push-ups
Add 2 push-ups every minute until you miss the 1 min cut-off, then switch to sit-ups
WOD #5:
6 mins – 10 burpees on the minute, in the remaining time amrap deadlift 80kg
Score = 51deadlifts

Monday, 4 June 2012

monday "ROM" wod

start with 800m run
then in any order:
50 Box jumps 24″
100 Kettlebell swings 32kg
300m run
150 pullups
200 Double-unders
Then run 800m to finish

wod#2 "Range of Motion"
with a partner: (1 person on each movement)
3x 5min amrap of
5 thrusters at 70kg
8 kb snatch at 32kg
rest 2 mins

total rounds = 7/3reps

Sunday, 3 June 2012

10kg deadlift pr

3 rds of
1 beach sprint 200m
5 wall walks
10 strict pull-ups
15 sit-ups
20 pistols

work up to 1rm deadlift=165kg pr

"partner wod"
3 rounds of
25 meter prowler sled push (about 45kg)
5 hand-release pushups
25 meter prowler sled push
5 burpees with sandbag to shoulder
1 person completes round while other rests
rest 10mins
then repeat another 3 rounds

Friday, 1 June 2012

June the 1st

5x max 100kg front squat
4/3/3/2/3 reps

find 3rm bench press=85kg
5 rds of
3 bench press 70kg
5 strict hspu
7 ring dips

Double unders
Box jumps 28"
Mountain climbers

5 minute AMRAP -
5 burpees
10 squat jumps
shuttle run

"Competiton training wod"

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

30th of May

5x5 deadlift:
5x 100kg deadlift
5x 120kg deadlift
5x 120kg deadlift
5x 140kg deadlift
5x 150kg deadlift pr
1x 155kg deadlift pr

wod#2 "partner wod"
with a partner, perform 1 tower climb between each movment,
and complete in total (half each) of:
20 HSPU's
40 pistols
60 burpees
80 sit-ups
100 squats
80 sit-ups
60 burpees
40 pistols
20 HSPU's

mainsite wod
front squat 45kg

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Strongman wod

5 rds for time of
10 hspu
30 meter farmer carry with 65kg each hand

I accidentally thought i had 70kg farmer carry's in each hand but it turns out it was only 65kg? My bad.. the original wod from Rob Orlando's Crossfit Strongman called for bodyweight in each hand and I'm guessing strict hspu's. However, that many strict would have taken me ages and also, i haven't practised kipping in a while, so i went with that.. The weight wasnt that bad on the walk but was just a little awkward, using rings around bumpers are a great substitution for legit farmer carry bars! Fun wod!

Monday, 28 May 2012

monday training

(power clean and power jerk practice)
x1 shankle complex with 80kg
3 hang clean pulls
1 hang squat clean
2 split jerk

4 rds of
15 thrusters 45kg
30 double unders
200m run

High bar back squat (rest 2-3mins between)

for time:
30 ground to shoulder then squat with 45kg keg
(alternate shoulders)

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Sunday wods

wod#1: "beach interval sprinting"
10mins of
10 second sprint
50 second slow jog
3 rounds of max strict pullups17,16,15
3 rounds of max hspu =10,11,9

wod#2: "partner kb's"
with partner, 1 person completes 1 round while the other rests:
5 box jumps right leg 20"
5 box jumps left leg 20"
5 clean and jerk, 2x16kg kb's
5 thrusters, 2x16kg kb's
10 walking lunges, 2x16kg kb's
5 rounds.

wod#3: "100 dips"
for time:
complete 100 parallel bar dips
(everytime you come off, complete 25 air squats)
broke dips into 7 sets of: 25,13,12,14,13,13,10
total of 150 air squats

Saturday, 26 May 2012

saturday yoga/ active recovery

1 hour of yoga
5 rds of
1min row (around 1:45 pace)
1min rest
total of 1.5km row

Friday, 25 May 2012


3x1 "3 position snatch-Low to High"

barbell training: with 40kg
For 3 minutes, do 2 snatches every 30 seconds, then 2 clean & presses
For 4 minutes, do 3 snatches every 30 seconds, then 3 clean & presses
For 3 minutes, do 4 snatches every 30 seconds, then 4 clean & presses

WOD#1: “Graceabel”
30 clean & jerk 45kg
30 snatch 45kg
8 min limit

WOD#2: primal throwdown 11- wod 1

Amrap 5 mins
with 60kg barbell:
deadlift=1pt (1rep)
c+j=4pts (25reps)
squat snatch=9pts (5reps)
rest 1 min
800m run=2:59

Thursday, 24 May 2012

abmat annie

rest day/active recovery:
"abmat annie"
50 double unders, 50 abmat situps
40, 40
30, 30
20, 20
10, 10

This was meant to be an active recovery wod. Jac wanted to do a wod and i was keen as usual to do something active. Didnt feel too bad doing it and wasnt breathing that hard at the end, just went a nice fast pace. But writing this 3 days later and my abs are still sore as.. abmat situps definatly make it that little bit harder and really make your abs work for it. Still a fun wod to get the blood moving! im gonna do GHD annie when we get one. Ive heard people have been all kinds of hurt from something like that.. rhabdo to the abs has been repeated a few times. May have to work up to it slowly so i dont kill myself.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

100kg OHS

3x3 snatch strict press= 30/35/40kg pr
3x3 snatch push press= 50/60/72.5kg pr
5x1 btn jerk/OHS= 70/80/90/95/100kg pr
max muscle up attempt= 11pr
800m run= 2:52
max thrusters at 45kg= 19pr
max buttefly pullups= 20
max L-Sit = 24 seconds

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

30 weighted rope climbs

Work up to 3 rep max High bar back squat

15 min AMRAP -
200m run
3 back squats 100kg
5 burpees
7 box jumps 32"
9 push-ups
(3 muscle ups to finish at end of 15mins)
total=5rds, 1 run

strength: work up to max weight muscle up = around 11kg?
for time:
30 rope climbs 11ft with 20kg vest

Wod#2 was fucked. I wanted to work on my rope climbs in preperation for primal throwdown and figured a heavy weight vest would force me to use the most efficient technique and drastically improve my confidence in my ability to climb a rope. Tried to keep a pace of 1 climb every 30 secs but that blew out to trying to do 1 a minute! Focusing more on technique than trying to go as quick as possible, basically just wanted to get it done. Tried rope climbs afterwards with no vest on and it felt SOOOOO EASY. I think i achieved what is set out to do..
wod#1 was fun and cool to do it with Vini who wants to be pushed harder and get better which is like minded to myself. Me and Match are going to finish every wod with a buy out of 3 muscle ups, basically to get used to doing them when super fatigued. 3 is not that many but definatly good to throw in there.

Monday, 21 May 2012

4 pr's

oly lifting:
3x3 hang power snatch = 60kg/65/70x1 pr
3X1 Power snatch = 60kg/65/70kg pr

with a 20kg weight vest complete:
3 rounds of -
7 deadlifts 120kg
7 hand release push-ups
3 rounds of -
21 squat jumps
7 toes to bar
100m KB farmers carry 2x20kg kb
28 box jumps 24″
100m KB farmers carry
3 hand release push-ups
17 min cut-off

total=17:00mins (just missed out on last 3 reps/did them after time anyway..)

2x 1min hollow body hold
5x3 close grip bench press = 70/75/80/85/90kg pr
e.m.o.m 3x80kg hang power clean for 7 mins
1 attempt at max 100kg hang power clean = 3reps!

Took a week off last week to recover and watch the regionals. First serious day back and i got 4 pr's! Im all fired up from the regionals and am ready to step up my training in order to either be in a team or compete individually next year. Following abit of outlaw programming i have been doing alot more olympic lifting before wods and am feeling much more confident and stronger in both oly lifts.
The vest made it super hard to breathe during the wod! would have been much faster/easier without the vest but thats not gonna make me better. Collapsed on the ground after the final 3 pushups and match had to remove the vest for me i was so wiped. Heaps of fun tho.
In the arvo me and pete did close grip bench for some pressing strength. Hit 90kg for 3reps which is more than my normal bench! SAWEET!
Lastly, did some hang power cleans every minute on the minute. Getting my inspiration from Rich Froning, e.m.o.m is a great way to work on movements and get alot of volume in without going to exhaustion! Going to be doing lots more in my programming. Watching the regionals wod 2 on the weekend which involved 30 hang power cleans at 100kg, I wasnt sure if i was able to do any so Match told me to give it a go because he thought i would be able to. I got 3 reps in a row! huge confidence booster that i am stronger than i thought.
Regionals 2013 babeh.

Monday, 14 May 2012

Recovery Week

For the first time since starting crossfit in November, 2010. Im planning on resting for 5 days.
I will do some light rowing and might go for a slow jog. However im going to resist the urge to lift any heavy weights or engage in any form of intense exercise.
This is going to be tough for me, but im very keen to see what it will do for me in terms of my progress. Next week i will come back to fuck shit up again and it will be interesting to see how i feel/ if i can get even more out of my training. I have recently set many new pr's the last 3 weeks and my wrist and knee are somewhat irritated. Nothing terrible but i dont want them to linger on..

Above is a great post written by Blair Morrison of anywherefit. He goes further into the benefits of recovery than i care to, a great read fo sho.
Today i had my first ice bath. it ws painful but definatly better than i thought it would be!
looking forward to the Australian regionals this weekend! Flying over thursday night and come back the sunday night. Goodluck to all the athletes, im gonna be there next year..

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Strongman Cert

This video pretty much sums up the whole day.. Epic.
Big thanks to the strongman seminar group and RealWorld crossfit for organising everything and for the great amount of effort needed to show us some strongman techniques. I learnt so much and had a blast. My aim is to become a serious strongman crossfit athlete, lift heavy things, odd objects reguarly and teach others how to do so too.

Friday, 11 May 2012

Flight KG100

It felt like the club lounge in the airport. You know the one where your Dad takes you as a kid.. up the escalator, open the glass doors to the front desk. A man with hair that looks too perfect to be natural, greets you with a friendly but artificial smile. Kids are frowned upon in this adult sanctuary. Only people with a herculean goal are allowed to be here to rest their weary heads. Walking past the desk and poking your head around the corner, you scope around the place. Everyone is either sitting down transitioning between their laptop and the lounge tv, or quietly shuffling to and from the buffet of fruit and coffee/tea.

They are all here for the same reason. Like their fellow travellers before them, they are in transition, somewhere between where they started and where they want to end up.
This place was built to comfort them during their limbo, and whilst they enjoy the temporary amusements the place offers, they long to leave this confined space. Images of a final destination swirl between thoughts. A place where their dreams become reality.
At the moment they are invisible. Nobody around them gives them a second glance. Of course, they all feel this way. They wonder when the day will come when others around them will give them the attention they so desperately crave. Deep down they yearn for it to happen. Their deepest fear is that the day will never arrive. They will move from airport lounge to airport lounge, and never arrive at the destination they seek. They will always be a stranger to everyone around them.

The announcement of flight KG140 is projected from the speaker. Their excitement sinks a little when they hear the flight number is not their own, and yet others stand up, grab their bags and head towards the glass doors. One step closer to their destination, wherever that may be.

Days, weeks, months go by. He has been waiting in that lounge almost a year and a half now. He has met many people during this time, some stay for a while and offer knowledge and company but eventually their number is called and they too must leave.
Hard work and perseverance is all he knows. Its all he thinks about. He keeps going through the daily grind, never letting it beat him down. He never thinks about quitting, only working harder, smarter. He knows this is the only way he will ever leave this damn lounge.

This particular evening was different. The announcer's voice can be heard over the lounge. "Ladies and Gentlemen, flight KG100 has begun boarding. Please make your way to gate 10 with your tickets ready, thankyou".
He looks down at his ticket. Flight KG100 is staring up at him. "Finally" he thinks to himself "Its taken far too long to board and others are much further ahead than me".
With that he grabs his bag, heading towards the glass doors that will take him down the escalator, on his way to the next airport lounge.

Clean and Jerk 100kg milestone.
Inspired by Jon North.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

weakness's to strengths!

5 rounds of
3rep deadlift
max hspu
rest as needed

1) 120kg/ 15hspu pr
2) 130kg/ 14
3) 140kg/ 13
4) 150kg/ 12
5) 152.5kg pr/ 10

Front squat 3 x 3
80/90/102.5kg pr

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 pull-ups
do 3 front squats between each set 80kg

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Snatch PR

warmup- bb complex

3x 3x2hang snatch/overhead squat 40/45/50kg
4x 3 power snatch 40/45/50/55kg
3x 2 snatch balance 45/50/55kg
2x 2 snatch pull 100kg
5x 1 snatch 70/75/77.5(f)/77.5kg pr/80(f)

Saturday, 5 May 2012

wod team championships

here's a link to my teammate jac's post on the team wod championships! Was a great experience and she captures the day extremely well in her reflection. Good times all round!

Friday, 4 May 2012

C+J training week 3

4 sets 4x hang clean to push press (60/65/70/70kg)
3 sets 1x power clean then 3x front squat (50kg)
3x3 power clean and jerk/ hang clean and jerk (50kg)
3x2 clean pulls (100/120/120kg)
2 rep clean and jerk (50/60/70/75kg)

stayed light as i had a team comp the next day which included 3 wods, next week is the final week where im planning on going as heavy as possible and trying to get some pr's on both the snatch and C+J. Going to aim for 80kg and 100kg respectively. I want these heavier weights but if i dont get them i wont be discouraged, ill keep working on them always trying to get better. Im focusing on front squats and close grip bench in my next strength phase which will hopefully transfer to my clean and jerk!

Thursday, 3 May 2012

1rm Back squat

5x1 Low bar Back squat
120/125/130/132.5 pr/135kg pr


OHS 30kg

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

gymnastic strength

gymnastics class

strength wod:
2 rounds of
30 pushups
1 legless rope climb
10 V-ups
10 pullups
10 chin ups

then practice:
swings on P-bars
mushroom circles (one)
backward rolls

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

snatch week 3

3 rounds
1 min pull-ups
1 min DB ground to overhead 6kg each
1 min double-unders
1 min hand release push-ups
1 min ab mat sit-ups
1 min rest
Score = 411
then 600m run= 2:17

wod#2 snatch training
warmup- bb complex

5x 3 hang snatch (30/35/40/45/50kg)
5x 1 power snatch to 5 OHS (40/40/45/45/50kg)
3x 3 reps of 1x power snatch/ 1x hang snatch/ 1x OHS (40/45/50kg)
4x 2 snatch grip deadlift (60/70/80/90kg)
5x 2 snatch (50/55/60/65/65kg)

Monday, 30 April 2012

pressing strength

3x 6 Incline DB press 26kg
3x 5 Incline bench press 60kg
3x 8 1arm DB row 37.5kg

Sunday, 29 April 2012


15 mins to find 1rm hang power clean=92.5kg
5rds for time of
5 thrusters bodyweight (70kg)
5 deadlifts double bodyweight (140kg) (scaled to 130kg rd 1,2/120kg rd 3,4,5 for me)

Sick, Sick, Sick workout. got this off strongman wod, originally meant to be axle deadlifts. the thrusters felt really good, all 5 the first rd, then 2+3 for most of others but last round had to do 1+2+2. The deadlifts started to kill my back! fuck, i am getting so so frustrated with them i feel really good and then as soon as i cool down after the wod my back seizes up and i struggle with any flexion movements. DAMN.
The "hang power clean came about from inspiration of regionals wod 2. I was wondering if i could do the 225pounds hang clean required in the wod. I could not. However im sure i could squat clean it, however it would be loads more taxing and all the best performers are power cleaning the thing like no worries.

Saturday, 28 April 2012

1rm and 3rm testing

4x1 bench press:

5x3 back squat:

Even though i didnt get any pr's today, I matched both of them and felt way easier than previous attempts. Feeling stronger with that amount of weight, 90 and 95kg went easy for the bench but just that little jump was huge for me, 100kg soon! The squats were ok, felt better as the sets went on, the 120kg felt easy for 3 but again the little jumps at my max weights kill me. Just gonna keep being consistent with the heavy lifting, Registered for the primal throwdown yesterday in my first ever Rx'd comp. Will be great to see where im at with the rest of the dudes, and will provide a good marker for what to improve on for future comps, always thinking about years ahead, not so fussed about the present as long as im making consistent gains.

Friday, 27 April 2012

C+J training

warmup- bb complex

3x3 hang power clean/front squat (40/45/50kg)
3x1 power clean+3 split jerk (50/55/60kg)
4x2 clean pull (100/110/115/120kg)
5x2 squat clean and jerk (60/70/75/80/85kg)
then 15mins to find 1rm clean and jerk
95kg pr
"You gotta pull that bar like your ripping off the head of a lion" - Donny Shankle

Wednesday, 25 April 2012


wod: HERO- "WOOD"
5 rds for time of
400m run
10 burpee box jumps 24"
10 SDHP 45kg
10 thrusters 45kg
rest 1min

Tuesday, 24 April 2012


work up to max jerk=85kg
work up to max deadlift=150kg pr

wod#2 'snatch training'
warmup-barbell snatch complex
then for technique:
3x5 "sots press" 20kg bar
3x3 power snatch from knee (30/35/40kg)
3x4 power snatch from floor (40/45/50kg)
3x3 OHS (50/55/55kg)
3x4 snatch balance (50/50/55kg)
5x2 Squat Snatch (50/55/60/60/65kg)
3x5 snatch pulls (80/90/100kg)

15mins to work up to max squat snatch = 70kg

Saturday, 21 April 2012


wod#1 bench
5x3 bench press
1 hour of yoga!

wod#2 "Amanda"
muscle ups
squat snatches 60kg

Two Pr's today! Im getting PR's daily and feeling really good! gonna have a rest so as to keep this consistent improvements rolling! gotta stay fresh and train hard for my goal to be competitive in the primal throwdown RX division, Time to step away from the boys and join the men!
New 3rm bench today nice and easily. Last time i did "Amanda was in june last year, about 10 months ago. i used 40kg for the snatches and didnt have the full lockout on the muscle ups.. my time was 15:38 and it killed me.
Today i got a time of 11:35 RX'D. Thats a 20kg increase on the snatches and over 4 mins off my time.
Consistent training and dedication is all it takes =)
Dear hard work, I thankyou.

Friday, 20 April 2012

clean and jerk training

amrap 7
10 push press 20kg kb each arm
5 burpees
15m shuttle run
total=7 rounds

warmup- bb complex

3x3 hang power clean (20/25/30kg)
3x4 hang clean and push presh (30/35/40kg)
4x3 power clean (50/60/65/70kg)
5x2 squat clean and jerk (60/70/75/77.5/75kg)
3x3 clean pull (75/80/90kg)

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

A Few Squats.

2x 20rep back squat= (60/70kg)
3 rounds for time
10 front squats 60kg
10 squat cleans 60kg
100 double unders

5-5-5-5-5 back squat
80/90/100/105/112.5kg pr

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Snatch Training

warmup-barbell snatch complex
then for technique:
3x3 power snatch from high hang, pocket and knee (20/25/30kg)
3x3 power snatch from floor (35/40/45kg)
3x4 snatch balance (45/45/45kg)
3x5 snatch pulls (90/90/90kg)

15mins to work up to max power snatch = 67.5kg pr
max wallball attempt=52reps pr

Oly Lifting classes started tonight, tuesday night is snatch night and friday night is clean and jerk. This was so much fun. the snatch is without doubt my favorite lift and i love training it. Really great atmosphere and an excellent chance to work towards some pr's. The snatch pulls were the only thing i havnt done before this and i struggled being explosive, something to work on. However, after the heavy pulls i went for some power snatches and of course the barbell felt as ligth as a feather! New pr of 67.5kg easily, went for 70kg and got under it easily but just dropped it forward abit missing the lift, definatly have 70kg and possibly more.. thats almost getting up to my max squat snatch! very pumped. My goal is to get an 80kg snatch as a comfortable lift by the end of the 4 weeks. Comfortable-meaning a consistent lift.  

Monday, 16 April 2012

sunday tri-fecta

wod#1 'gymnastic metcon with jac'
6 rounds of
5 strict hspu
5m handstand walk
5 strict pullups
15sec L-sit hold

wod#2 'Kokoda track'
5 trips up kokoda track
-each trip up is a full on sprint
-rest as need between trips (usually 5-10mins)
3rd, 4th, 5th=1:12

wod#3 'pressing strength session'
5x5 bench

Today was a trifecta of training elements. The morning was a long gymnastics strength and skill based workout, Went to the cottesloe beach again to play on the bars they have down there with Jac, She txted me the night before to see if i was down for a wod.. 'she knows im always down..' so we planned to meet up at 7:30am to start off the day the best way i know how.. wod and coffee! The wod was very testing of shoulder endurance, The handstand walk was by far the hardest part, especially after the hspu. I just had nothing left in the shoulders and my forearm was throbbing a fair bit but it was a great opportunity to practice the skill under fatigue. Hspu, pullup and L-sit were all cinch in comparison. Jac beat me Rx'd by 3 mins! which gave her the honor of buying the coffee.. rules are rules. next time im making sure im buying. Cheers Jac!
The second wod was all about 2 words.. Lactic Acid. I wanted to push myself into the pain cave and after the morning rape on my upperbody, I felt as though some sprints up the kokoda track by kings park would be perfect for some pain threshold training.
Each trip took just over a minute of balls to wall sprint up the steep incline which left my legs shaking after each effort. resting a few minutes, i would slowly make my way down the track, trying not to succumb to my legs giving way. When i felt fresh enough, i attacked it again with everything i had. I want it as bad as i want to breathe!
Finally to round off the trifecta, A pure strength session for pressing power was in order. Me, Vini and Pete had a serious bro sesh, each going for a 5rep max bench. Each PR'ing! "fuck yeah".
rest day tomorrow before starting my training programme on tuesday gearing up for the Primal Throwdown late June. HOLLA!

The start of 'kokoda track', this turns into an inline gravel track.

Saturday, 14 April 2012

friday 13th

20 minutes to find your max snatch=70kg (failed at 77.5kg)

3 rounds of
6 pistols
9 power snatches 45kg
12 burpee bar hops

Thursday, 12 April 2012

thursday 12th april

'squat snatch'
1x75kg pr

'squat clean and jerk'
1x90kg fail

3 x 10 walking lunge with 95kg
1st set=4 lunges
2nd set=7 lunges
3rd set=8 lunges

amrap 7
10 push press 28kg
5 burpee bar hops
1 shuttle run 30m

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Monday, 9 April 2012


max wallball attempt = 42pr
3x 10 lunges (5 each leg) 5 mins rest between efforts

wod#2: Hero wod- "Pheezy"
3rds of
75kg front squat, 5 reps
18 pullups
100kg deadlift, 5 reps
18 toes to bar
75kg push jerk, 5 reps
18 hand-release pushups

Finally seeing some average wallball numbers, Next time im looking to get 50.. I find these to be a great mental training tool because usually you can get 1 more rep but its hurts like hell.. and with my max number going up i fight that extra bit to get just at least 1 more rep than previous. Gotta keep doing these till 150 unbroken. The lunges are going up too. I find these much easier on my lower back than squats and until i fully recover from my back pain via some stretching and mobility work, im gonna continue doing heavy lunges for the time being. I figure 5 each leg = a 5 rep squat and although 90kg is hard im sure i can get 100kg. gonna keep adding 2.5-5kg per session.
Wod "pheezy" was brutal. Felt really winded twice during the wod and almost wanted to yack after.. the combination of high rep bodyweight movements coupled with heavy ass barbell movements amde this wod really difficult to keep moving. Was a serious bro session with Vini and Zaki and heaps of fun lifitng with those guys.. they even had enough energy afterwards to do some strict presses! I did not. zaki just came in under 20 mins with 19:50, i came second wih 21:27, and vini third with 22mins something.. Hero wods are LEGIT.

Friday, 6 April 2012

friday 6th april

wod: (fight gone beach)
3 rds for reps of:
1 min- sideways bar hops
1 min- 1 arm kb thrusters 14kg
1 min- bar dips
1 min- pullups
1 min- kb sdhp 20kg
1 min rest

1st round=133reps
2nd round=102 reps
3rd round= 92 reps
total reps= 327reps

Heaps of fun this wod, did this done at north cottesloe beach with 3 other guys (Steve, James and sweet Russell) Theres a heap of bars and benches down at the beach that are perfect for doing some wods on, the guys informed me about the 'fight gone bad' format they planned on doing for the wod and i was down even though i suck at that wod, these movements were much more my strengths than the typical FGB movements. I managed a pretty decent score although mostly due to a favourable start on the movement rotation (started with easiest movement and got loads of reps straight up). My rounds got increasingly worse and i was mentally weaker than i should have been, could have pushed harder during some of it. Loads of fun, i really like training with those guys, were all about the same age and all share the same passion for the sport. Looking forward to some more wods in the future with those guys.

Thursday, 5 April 2012

thursday 5th april

1 1/4 squat x 2 front squat=90kg
                  x 4 back squat=90kg
then work up to 5rm back squat=110kg

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

wednesday 4th april

strict press
 btn pushpress

3rds of
20 pullups
40 double unders

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

rest day inspiration -Dan Williams

Here's some rest day inspiration for yall, Dan Williams from 'Range of Motion' has written a great article on his blog about scaling in crossfit and the possible repercussions of habitual scaling..

Dan Williams:
As CrossFitters, we pride ourselves on the universal scaleability of our game. For the most part - this is an infinitely useful thing. It opens up the movements and programming to the masses. At Range of Motion we have had individuals as young as seven and as old as 98 CrossFitting. We have had wheelchair bound clients, and those on Australian Teams. You could line them up side by side, and the neutral observer could recognise that they are, in effect, doing the 'same thing'.
We scale weights, reps, movements and time, and we do so to keep the 'inclusive' in CrossFit's 'broad, general, inclusive fitness'.
But where do we draw the line? By conforming to scaled options, we are effectively telling ourselves that we are 'not good enough' to perform the full weight/movement etc. Now, in the majority of cases this is true - and scaling plays a vital role - but sometimes, just sometimes, we scale out of habit, out of familiarity, and out of comfort. We are placing a ceiling on our performance.
I'll again cite a previous blog I've written on the Pygmalion Effect:

A group of school children are administered a test. Unbeknown to the teachers, the test results are never looked at and are thrown away. The researchers randomly allocate the students into a ‘smart’ group, or a ‘not smart’ group. The teachers are told that the test has indicated that the children in the ‘smart group’ have a greater propensity to learn – but they are not instructed to teach the kids in the ‘smart’ group any different to those in the ‘not smart’ group.
At the end of the school year, the students are re-tested and (you guessed it) the kids in the ‘smart group’ now fit the label they have been assigned. Consciously or not, the teachers have taught these kids more advanced material – based purely on the expectation that they can handle it. Handle it they did.
How does this relate to exercise? If we base our expectations too much on age/appearance/experience or any other preconceived notion – an individual will match our expectations.

To test this theory, I recently conducted a group session. The participants ranged in ability enormously - from top level CrossFit Athletes, to those who could not perform the most basic of movements (due to lack of strength, or competency is some other component of fitness).
This session was a 'skill tester'. It contained some of the most complex movements we perform. Very heavy snatches, ring handstand push-ups, rope climbs, double unders, muscle-ups, pistols, walking handstands and many more. Your score was the total number of repetitions you completed in five minutes of each, multiplied by the number of exercises in which you completed at least one rep.
The catch was, there was no scaling. Everyone used the full weights, no one used bands for assistance.
We had 18 people completing the session. At the end, we had no less than 28 virgin performances of a movement. People hit muscle-ups, pull-ups, 20 foot rope climbs, wall walks and many other movements for the first time. And they did it, because they didn't have a choice.
If they couldn't do the movement, they had five minutes of struggle to try and get the movement.
This was four weeks ago (from time of writing). Since then, the floodgates have opened. People have realised that there is in fact no ceiling. There is no limit on their performance. This 60 minutes reset their level of self belief. A cascade of 'virgin performances' have come thick and fast. Those who haven't achieved the movement have pursued them with renewed vigour.
Scaling is important. Vitally important. But sometimes it's overused. Scale out of necessity or safety, not out of habit.

Monday, 2 April 2012

100 lunges

wod#1 'strongman lunge wod'

50 bodyweight barbell lunges (72.5kg)
rest 5 mins
30 bodyweight barbell lunges
rest 3 mins
20 bodyweight barbell lunges
time=28:25 including rest

wod#2 'crossfit mainsite wod'

7rds for time
10 wallballs 9kg to 10ft
10 pullups

Sunday, 1 April 2012

city wod

one trip up stairs, jog 20m and back with a pair of 16kg kb's
rest whilst partner goes.
total=5 rounds each (1min per round)

Did this wod in the city with my good friend vini. He was keen for a wod so i met him at his, grabbed his kettlebells and went looking for somewhere to exercise! Didnt have much time but i wanted to do something with stairs and remembered these steep set of stairs behind his apartment that were perfect. Warmed up, 3,2,1..go vini went first carrying the kb's in the rack, went as fast as he could go up and down about a 55sec pace, gave the kb's to me and rested whilst i went. We tried to keep the pace under a minute each time so that we could get 5 rds in each but slowed down abit ended up around 10:15sec. This was surprisingly more taxing aerobically than i thought it would be. was breathing pretty hard when we were done. 1min rest was just enough to recover and go hard again. Again was fun to do a wod in the urban environment, there was a 10km fun run down the road that the 'barefoot bandits' Match and doza ran in, i could see hundreds of people making there way to this organised event and whilst im glad they are making an effort on a sunday morning to run a fair distance, most of them will see exercise as something that has to be organised in a mass event such as a fun run for them to be motivated enough to do it. I couldnt help thinking i much prefer my kind of exercise! spontaneous, short, intense, done anywhere anytime. No crowd or organisation needed. just a desire to work hard.

Saturday, 31 March 2012

swim wod

5-5-3-3-3 bench press
40/60/80/85(f)/85kg pr
3x10 ring pushups
3x3 ring fly's
3x10 planche pushups progression

3x max bar dips=19/18/16
3x max strict neutral grip pullup=12/10/10

swim 100m freestyle
max strict hspu
total=400m freestyle/14hspu

Really fun day of training today, Pete and myself got to the gym round 8:30, warmed up and did some strength training for bench press. Got a pr for 3 without knowing it! we are gonna do alot of strength training in the next few months, 1st week 5x5, 2nd week 5x3, 3rd week 5x1, 4th week deload.
The second wod was done on the way to the pool, found this metal ladder previously joined to a slide but with the slide gone it made a perfect dip and pullup bar. I have been really excited to train outdoors lately and explore around where i live for some good spots to workout. Blair Morrison is obviously a big inspiration in that regards.. anyway after the street workout i ran down to the local pool to bust out a swod (swimwod). it was late about 6:30pm on a sat night (im pretty cool ok) so there wasnt an abundance of people at the pool and it was quite cold (probably the coldest night in 5 months and i decide i want to swim??) but the few people who were there thought it was funny seeing a guy doing handstand pushups against a pole by the pool. Inbetween breathing hard, struggling to get out of the pool and burning shoulders from the freestyle, the hspu were insanely hard. I got 4 rds of 4/4/3/3 hspu. During the swim just tried to maintain a slow heart rate and slow my stroke rate but keep kicking hard with my feet. something ive been told by my swimming coach matt.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012


3 x max strict hspu=11pr/9/7reps
then 20 mins of practicing:
kipping hspu
muscle ups with kipping dip
rope climb

30 clean and jerks 60kg
5mins rest then
'mini grace'
30 c+j 30kg

gymnastics class

Good day of training strength, skills and a short metcon benchmark. Smashed my 'grace' time by 1:18, had a plan to break up 7,6,5,4,3,2,1,1,1 but that fell to shit.. got the first 7, then 3, then a couple 2's then singles for the last 10. haha! oh well next time ill try and stick to the game plan. New pr on my hspu's also, aiming to be able to do 30 strict so a little work to do still ;) im being consistent with my gymnastics class so that i improve alot and i already see big improvements.. I did my first ring hspu the other day and they are heaps easier to get into now. more confident, feeling stronger, this is good.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012


Snatch balance 3-3-2-2-1-1-1
40/50/60/65/70/75pr/80kg pr
3 rds of
3 power snatch 60kg
15 wallballs 9kg to 10ft
300m row
rest 2 mins
time=(rd1=2:45/rd2=3:07/rd3=2:42) total time=12:34

15m zercher carry-work up to max rest 1min between
turkish getup-work up to max each side
32kg both sides

5 rds of
20 kb swings 24kg
400m run
time=14:04 pr

Monday, 26 March 2012

games wod 12.5

3 thrusters 45kg
3 CTB pullups
6 thrusters
6 CTB pullups
9 thrusters
9 CTB pullups

total=99 reps (9 thrusters into set of 18)

I had 100 reps but couldnt lock it out!! haha i was happy with my improvement since last years 11.6 wod. I improved by 29 reps which is pretty big and i feel i may have been able to do more if i wasnt so sick the few days previous, was wrecked afterwards and even got pretty emotional in the carpark as i proceeded to almost yack, cry, then yack again. It hurt.

Now that the open is finished, I have placed 4388th worldwide and 286th in the australian region with the top 60 going to regionals. For the next year i am going to work my hardest to get in the top 60 and make it to the regionals in 2013. That is my yearly goal and i will do everything in my power to make it happen. I know i have the potential and i want it so so bad. Im going to do my absolute best to either go individual or as a team with cooee! would be way more fun as a team. Its gonna be one hell of a fight, but i know we can do it.
Regionals 2013 here we come.