Tuesday, 14 June 2011

squat clean pr

Today was a serious training day!
Waking up nice and early. Hunter, Jack and myself headed down to cooee for the 6am wod, It was all about the Kettle Bell this morning.. After making an epic meal, we again headed to cooee to meet up with olympic lifting animal Alec, who proceeded to coach us for the next 2 hours. Dialing in on my Clean and Jerk Alec spurred me on to a squat clean pr of 90kg, still need to work on my jerk though, it seems im projecting the bar forward rather than upward which is causing me to miss. Many thanks to Alec for taking the time to come coach us.

Morning wod..
5 rounds for time with 20kg kb
10 1 arm KB front squats
20 1 arm KB swings
20 KB circles
10 overhead lunges with 30kg bumper plate

2 min KB American swings
reps x kg = score

Arvo wod..
clean and jerk
60kg x3
70kg x2
80kg x2
90kg clean (missed jerk)
95kg clean missed attempt
'I can feel the 100kg soon!'

split jerks
60/60/70/70/70kg (working on technique)
front squats 3x3
80/85/90kg fail

clean pulls 3x3


  1. Hey where are the rest of last weeks post, Im still waiting!

  2. there coming mate, ive been too busy setting snatch pr's ;)
