Tuesday 17 April 2012

Snatch Training

warmup-barbell snatch complex
then for technique:
3x3 power snatch from high hang, pocket and knee (20/25/30kg)
3x3 power snatch from floor (35/40/45kg)
3x4 snatch balance (45/45/45kg)
3x5 snatch pulls (90/90/90kg)

15mins to work up to max power snatch = 67.5kg pr
max wallball attempt=52reps pr

Oly Lifting classes started tonight, tuesday night is snatch night and friday night is clean and jerk. This was so much fun. the snatch is without doubt my favorite lift and i love training it. Really great atmosphere and an excellent chance to work towards some pr's. The snatch pulls were the only thing i havnt done before this and i struggled being explosive, something to work on. However, after the heavy pulls i went for some power snatches and of course the barbell felt as ligth as a feather! New pr of 67.5kg easily, went for 70kg and got under it easily but just dropped it forward abit missing the lift, definatly have 70kg and possibly more.. thats almost getting up to my max squat snatch! very pumped. My goal is to get an 80kg snatch as a comfortable lift by the end of the 4 weeks. Comfortable-meaning a consistent lift.  

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